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A/N: This is not very detailed as it is just a basic understanding of what is already in the books. I am not trying to fill up chapters, retelling exactly what happened in the original books.

It had been a few weeks since she had returned to Hogwarts. The new term had already begun and Hailey was doing her best to focus on her studies and keep her head down. She wholly intended to keep her promise to Natasha.

Professor Lupin had started teaching her the Patronus Charm, which she spent most of her free time practicing. However, she had yet to get it right.

She was sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room beside Ron as they created fake divination charts for Trewalney. Hermione had dropped Divination and even Hailey and Ron knew it was bogus but they still took the class. That was when an owl swooped in through the window and dropped a parcel in her lap. It was a rectangular package with nothing written on it.

"What is it?" Ron asked her.

"I don't know, let's open it," Hailey said ripping the brown paper off it. She was surprised to find a hardcover book inside titled: 

"All the reasons why Hailey is a liar and magic doesn't exist - with proof"

Signed: Tony Stark.

Hailey burst out laughing. So, Mr. Stark was still hung up on that. She showed it to Ron who also began laughing. They excitedly opened the book to see that there was a detailed report.

"J.A.R.V.I.S. and I searched all of Northern Scotland and only found one site close to the size of a school. When I arrived there, it was in ruins. I would have examined further but I remembered Pepper had a doctor's appointment. Proof below," 

Below were pictures of ruins with DO NOT ENTER signs.

"So that's what muggles see!?" Ron exclaimed. "We go to such lengths to protect the secret?"

"I didn't know Mr. Stark would go to such lengths to 'expose' me," Hailey laughed and Ron joined her.

"Will you two shut it! People are trying to study!" Hermione exclaimed from the other side of the room. They could not even see her from between her piles of books. She had taken the most courses out of anyone in the year.

"Look around, it's only you," Ron commented a little rudely. He was still sour about his rat and he was being extremely rude to Hermione.

"Hermione, this is actually really funny. Come, take a break," Hailey prompted. 

Hermione hesitated but marked the page and got up to sit beside Ron and Hailey.

The list only got more ridiculous as Mr. Stark faced all the struggles any muggle would face in their quest to find out something about the wizarding world. He had even included pictures of the street where the Leaky Cauldron apparently did not exist. There were interviews of workers at the King's Cross Station and a picture of him proving that the wall between platforms 9 and 10 was solid. The trio after a long time had a laugh together.

"Can I borrow this for my muggle studies project?" Hermione asked which instantly turned Ron's mood sour since all Hermione did was talk about studying and classes and if it wasn't that, they were fighting 'cause of Scabbers and Crookshanks. Hailey nodded and then excused herself so she could go write back to Mr. Stark.

She sat down on the little study desk provided in their dorm room and pulled out a fresh piece of parchment.

Dear Mr. Stark,

 Thank you so much for the uhm...let's call it a research report. It was quite entertaining to read and the pictures were the cherry on top. I also enjoyed the explanation you provided for 'my little magic trick at the compound'. Your persuasion skills are so good, you nearly gaslit me into believing that my identity is a sham. 

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