5//a walk in the park

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Hailey still was not over her new glasses when a few days later, Hedwig arrived with Ron and Hermione's replies to the letters she had sent before leaving Diagon Alley. 

Dear Hailey,

I am so happy for you. You didn't want to listen to me when I told you the way the Dursleys treated you was unacceptable.

Also, you're in New York! I can't believe this, Ron was teasing me about being able to practice magic at home (cause he's part of a wizarding family) and now you can too. As I am sure you have not done your research- they don't have traces on underage witches and wizards. They are to simply leave their wands at school but you have yours and if you practice, the ministry won't find out.

I can't believe I am condoning rule-breaking but with your track record, I do think you need to practice magic (especially defense against the dark arts since we seem to have no luck with the teachers).

Anyway, we might be going to France this year for a vacation. I'll still write to you. I think I might want to buy an owl this year. Both of you have one and I have to wait for Hedwig or Errol to write back. 

I better end it now.

Lots of Love,
Hermione xx

PS I almost forgot you said you got a phone this year. Do you have a sim? I don't know if it will work from New York but I'm attaching my phone number. Maybe we could text more often.

Hailey instantly pulled out her wand and levitated a book. She waited, holding her breath. Ministry letters arrived in a good few minutes but after ten minutes, she realized Hermione was right. She was free to do whatever magic she pleased! Hailey spent the next half an hour levitating different things with a smug smile. She attempted to fold her laundry but it only ended up creating a bigger mess.

How did Mrs. Weasley do it so effortlessly? Hailey needed to master all the spells if she didn't want to waste time doing pointless labor all summer.

Then, she saved Hermione's number to her phone. It would definitely be a lot easier to stay in touch over the phone though she still preferred writing letters. She tore open Ron's.

Dear Hailey,

How are you? I hope this Natasha is better than those insufferable pigs and the horse (I'm sorry, I can't lie to you). Anyways we're in Egypt! Dad won a lottery at work.

It's brilliant, they published a photo of us in the Daily Prophet! I attached the photo 'cause I know you don't get it delivered. 

Bill has taken us to so many places and Mum and Dad have planned to go to Dubai next or perhaps India. Most likely India though, there are way more wizarding attractions there. 

'Till next time,


Hailey gave Hedwig some treats and set up water for her on the desk and wrote a reply to both of her friends before she headed downstairs. Natasha had said something about going to a gym today. They had been to the Central Mall and Times Square. Both of which were amazing and she knew whatever Natasha planned to do in the gym would be amazing too.


The gym was far from amazing, if anything, it was horrendous but Natasha had made it very clear it was now part of Hailey's daily schedule. Trimming hedges to a microscopic perfection while Aunt Petunia watched sounded almost pleasant in contrast to this.

"No, you need to hit harder. You're not going to hurt a fly with that punch," Natasha criticized.

Hailey looked at her in horror. Her arm hurt terribly already and it wasn't hard enough!? This gym was big like everything else in New York but it definitely was NOT amazing like everything else in New York. It was super posh and Natasha had a special membership too which allowed her to have a private room all to herself which was fine but this room had no sauna or hot tub or even gym equipment.

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Where stories live. Discover now