34//the watch

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Hailey forgot all about her fight with Natasha when she saw Hedwig back at her desk with a larger-than-normal envelope attached to her leg. Hailey untied the envelope while Hedwig nipped her affectionately.

"Aww, aren't you a sweet little girl," Hailey said smiling and petting her snowy owl.

She placed Hedwig in her lap and cuddled with her as she opened Hermione's letter.

Hi Hailey,

I am just going to start off by saying that both Ron and I miss you dearly and we really hope that your Aunt allows you to come to the World Cup. It just is not the same without you.

Now, about the twins. The speedster is most definitely a mutant but he is not registered with any ministry and the girl, she is not a mutant. Her powers are most definitely magical but Mr. Weasley suspects that she probably had a weak core that was amplified by an event.

It is the same way that a witch or wizard can damage their magical core through an event. I agree with him but I would be weary of her. She has no channel to these powers (like we have wands). It's extremely raw and unpredictable. 

Also, this type of magic has the potential to take a very dark path very quickly. 

Also, you should practice your Occulemency diligently because one of her powers is mind alteration, similar to an Imperius Curse. You will be left quite vulnerable otherwise (if she is a threat)

Lastly, I sent some shrunken books on Ancient Magic, different ways to channel magic (this would be extremely helpful to her), and some more information on Mutants. I hope this helps and let me know if you need anything else.

Don't go on too many adventures without us and Please do not get yourself killed (or worse deported).

Lots of love,


(PS Sorry about the delay, I know it was urgent but all of this information isn't exactly legal and easily accessible)

She groaned internally at the mention of Occulemency and still had to get permission to go to the World Cup. With the way things were going right now, both of those seemed impossible. She was still grateful for all of Hermione's help.

Hailey used her wand to return the stack of books Hermione had sent to their original size. She picked up the smallest one which just so happened to be Origin of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Ancient Magic.

Hailey had every intention of reading the book but it had been a long and exhausting day so she did not realize when sleep came to her. 


"Pack for a few days, if you want anything from home, let me or Steve know," Natasha said to her as she was brushing out her curls the morning after her shower. The pungent tone still lingered in her tone from yesterday's argument.

"Where are you sending me away now?!" Hailey groaned.

"To Clint's farmhouse until all of this gets settled," Natasha replied.

"And what if I don't want to go?" Hailey asked. As much as she loved Mrs. Barton and Cooper, she did not want to spend an indefinite amount of time in the middle of nowhere while she could be helping out over here in New York.

"You don't have a choice," Natasha replied. 

"I'm fourteen! I can make my own decisions," Hailey replied.

"I said you're going so you are. I will tie you up if I have to but you will be going," Natasha said and turned on her heels before Hailey could argue. UGH! Natasha was insufferable.

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Where stories live. Discover now