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Hailey hurried across the street and checked the time on her watch (that Natasha had given her on her birthday). It was 10:30 and her curfew was supposed to be 10:00. Natasha had- after a lot of convincing- allowed Hailey to go with Kate to an Arcade.

Her guilt was absolutely crushing her despite the fact that the arcade had been an absolute blast and the only reason why she was so late was because a bunch of (very cute) boys had challenged them to games and were sour about losing so they insisted on playing one more round till they won.

Eventually, they made up and Hailey realized the bell of doom was about to strike for both of them. Kate's mom was equally as strict if not more than Natasha. One minute they were in the arcade and the next, they had already bid each other goodbye and were on their way home.

Once Kate left with her chauffeur, Hailey realized she had no money left to call a cab.

To top it all off, her phone was dead and she hadn't bothered bringing coins for a pay phone. She could just see Natasha's face, she would be absolutely livid. While it was very hard to get a reaction from Natasha in general, she tend to overreact when it came down to things like this. She was just always worried that some villain would kidnap Hailey because they found out she lived with Natasha. Never mind the fact that Natasha was also constantly training her for if she was ever caught in a situation alone.

She turned around the corner absolutely panicking.

10:47. Only ten more minutes 'till she made it home.

She was only a few minutes away when her attention was caught by loud noises coming from within the bank. She checked for her wand in the waistband of her jeans. She had taken a shortcut from the subway station to get home early. So here she was nearly 11:00 at night, standing in a dangerous neighborhood watching a bank get robbed.

It's none of your concern. She reminded herself. Natasha was going to be furious as-is for coming home late, she didn't need to add taking the shortcut and involving herself in a fight to her list of misdeeds.

All of a sudden, she heard a scream from inside. Somebody was trapped inside with armed robbers. All consequences out the window, Hailey had to help! She pulled her wand out and was ready to stun anyone in her way.

"There's another kid!" One of the masked robbers said as soon as she entered. Hailey looked around for the other kid they were referring to. She decided it had to be the dude in a red and blue spidery-onesie costume. He lay on the floor clutching his side in pain.

"Kill her. Kill them both!" Another one- probably the boss of the group ordered. There were four of them- all masked and armed. She had to think and act quick. Hailey shot a stunning spell at one of them and he instantly fell to the floor.

One of the men fired a shot aimed at Hailey but Spidery- onesie pushed her out of the way in time. Hailey fired a stunning spell at him as he pulled the trigger a second time.

This time, the bullet didn't miss. She flinched as she heard the disgusting sound of the bullet making contact with skin. It hit Spidery-onesie in the arm he was using to clutch his side. He hissed loudly in pain despite trying to control himself. Hailey was properly panicking but she had to come up with a way quickly.

She stunned both of the remaining robbers quickly and with little effort.

"Are you ok?" she asked the boy in the spider costume.

"I'm -argh- I'm fine," he replied in pain.

"I'll call the ambulance. You need to go to the hospital," Hailey told him. She pulled out her phone and realized it was dead. Dammit!

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Where stories live. Discover now