21//already in trouble :(

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Hailey woke up the next morning feeling groggy. Yesterday night's events were still fresh in her mind and she debated whether she could sleep the whole day away. Or better yet, hide in her room forever. She had no desire to face either of them.  Not now, not ever.

Ugh. Hailey wanted to smack herself. How did she manage to screw up badly and then outdo herself by screwing up even worse the next time? It was truly a form of art. She was an artist and bullshit was her canvas.

After a good thirty minutes of being awake, she got up and slowly padded her way downstairs. She wasn't surprised to see Natasha in the kitchen eating breakfast. Steve had stayed with them a handful of times so upon checking the time, she knew he was probably off on his morning jog at the moment.

"Hi." Hailey greeted quietly.

"Good Morning," Natasha replied fighting to keep her tone normal.

"Do you want eggs or toast?" Natasha asked as Hailey sat down at the table. Hailey did not know why she had sat down at the table, she wasn't the least bit hungry.

"'M not hungry," Hailey replied quietly. She rested her head on the table. Dread pooled in the pit of her stomach as she waited for her impending doom.

"Do you want to talk about yesterday first then?" Natasha asked her. She knew full well that Hailey was not going to be able to take her mind off that until they discussed it. To be honest, she felt bad for sending her upstairs yesterday night but she simply could not deal with it at that moment. Natasha had also decided to take Steve and Clint's advice and talk about it properly unlike last time when she'd just ordered Hailey to start doing chores.

"Mhmm," she replied quietly. The knot in her stomach tightened at the prospect of it but she took in a shaky breath and forced herself to sit up.

Natasha waited for a moment and Hailey sat up properly. She had to admit Hailey looked miserable. She probably didn't get any sleep and her overly large conscious probably drowned her in guilt.

Somehow, she wanted that to be enough and then they could just move on with their summer but it couldn't be. Not anymore.

"I'm sorry for making you wait all night. I was really angry and disappointed. I didn't want to end up yelling at you," Natasha explained. UGHH, this was so hard. Why did they have to talk about feelings? Why did they even have to do this, she already felt like a monster.

Natasha took a deep breath, this is exactly what Clint and Laura had advised her to do. She could handle this just fine, she convinced herself.

Hailey wished she'd just yelled. This was worse, a lot worse somehow.

"Are you okay now?" Natasha asked.

"As okay as someone can be when they snitched on themself on the first day of break," Hailey mumbled.

Natasha swallowed a chuckle. If the situation wasn't serious, this would be pretty funny.

"Okay, so we have a lot to discuss-" Hailey jumped to defend herself before Natasha could even finish her sentence.

"Natasha, I really tried. I tried to keep the promise. I was with Professor Lupin for every single Hogsmeade trip--in his office mind you, not merrily walking around Hogsmeade like ALL of Hogwarts but I thought it would be okay just this once. 'Cause Buckbeak was and yea," Hailey's voice fell quiet in the end.

"Like I said. It isn't, oh I thought, just this once, for a little bit. It's not at all," Natasha emphasized getting tired of the same excuse.

"I know but I tried, shouldn't that count for something?" Hailey tried.

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Where stories live. Discover now