30//in trouble (again?!)

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Hailey had fallen asleep on the Daredevil's couch sometime earlier in the morning. She woke up and instantly reached into her pockets to find her phone which was nowhere to be found. 

She realized she had screwed up big time. Her phone was somewhere in that dark alleyway near the dumpster and one quick glance at the clock which struck one told her that her absence had probably not gone unnoticed.

She got up quickly and found Kate's phone charging on the kitchen counter. Hailey knew Kate's passcode and got in while Kate was still sleeping peacefully (like one would sleep when their mother was out of town).

There were several missed calls on Kate's phone from Steve and Natasha.

She opened the texts.

'Hailey is not picking up, can you let her know I will pick her up around noon? I may be a little late due to the traffic,'

'Hi Kate, we are still waiting for a response from both of you,'

'Is everything alright? Why is no one picking up?'

'I am downstairs, Can you tell Hailey to come down, please?'


'We are worried sick, are you guys in trouble?'

The last message was sent two minutes ago and Hailey realized she should text back and let them know before they sent out an army of Aurors. Her hands were shaking.

'Hi, it's Hailey. I lost my phone, I'm coming home,'

The phone went off immediately as Natasha called and Hailey picked up with shaky hands.

"Hello?! Hello?! Hailey? Little one are you alright?" She heard Natasha's worried voice from the other side.

"I'm fine," she said in a small voice. 

"Did something happen? Where is Kate? Are the two of you safe? Where are you? I will come get you right now,"

"I- We're both safe but I don't know where- I can ask for a ride Natasha," Hailey said.

"A ride from who? Where the fuck are you two?" Natasha all but yelled. Hailey cringed at the thought of facing Natasha.

"You know what. Forget it. Just send me your location," Natasha said. Hailey could hear Steve in the background too.

Hailey did not say anything and sent Natasha her location not even knowing where she was.

"Hell's Kitchen? How did you wind up in that area? That's more than a half-hour drive from Kate's place,"

"Can I tell you at home?" Hailey asked. 

"You are completely unharmed, right?" Natasha asked. Hailey decided against telling Natasha about the few bruises she had from the fight. 


"Then, you better start preparing the best fucking reason you can to be in Hell's Kitchen!" Natasha exclaimed. "Stay right where you are, Hailey. God save me if you decide to run off again,"

Hailey cringed again. She was so done. She had to wake Kate up and then inform Daredevil and Ms. Page as well.


"I can apologize for the kidnapping part," Mr. Murdock offered as the four of them sat on the sofas. Hailey had not previously realized that Daredevil was none other than Matt Murdock the lawyer who was also blind.

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Where stories live. Discover now