~ Chapter 1 ~

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The wind was blowing in the Pop Village, making a sound with the decoration, and in the background you could hear the preparation of wedding music. Each Pop troll was on its way to a specific place on that particular day that was to be the happiness of the troll kingdom. The one-of-a-kind Queen Poppy was adjusting the details of her dress with Barb and Val in a small airy room. After all, in a few minutes she had her (fake lover) wedding.

"Huh, worst day ever," Poppy said

"Well, you agreed to this wedding yourself," Barb said

"Just because of my father, I don't want to disappoint him," she said

-So you agreed to this wedding just because daddy asked you here? Didn't you think what you want in life? Val said

For a moment, Poppy was aware of this, she wouldn't touch Creek with any part of her body ... but that's for the sake of the troll kingdom. Peppy said he was the perfect king. She wasn't going to marry this asshole, but she had no choice.

"I don't know what, but for some
reason I'd be glad," Val continued

"What?" Poppy muttered energetically

"Well, at least he'll pay the bills," Val said

"I don't know what, but for some reason I agree," Barb said

"Rather, I'm afraid he won't pay for me at all, I'm begging you," Poppy lightly exclaimed.

"..." just stared at her

She had to say something until she heard a slight knock on the door. her father entered.

"Ready?" He said

"Oh Dad, is that really necessary?" His daughter said

"Of course, after all, Creek has always supported you and was with you, I will definitely be a success for this step." Peppy said

Poppy just twitched in response, trying not to make any sound of the contradiction from her lips. She might as well throw up as soon as she thought about him.

Everyone was waiting, including her lover at the altar. The music played slowly. Poppy clasped her hands delicately and was on her way to making a big mistake, even though everyone was looking at her with pride. As soon as it arrived, he whispered in her ear:

"You look beautiful," he said with a slight smile

she said nothing.

After they had sworn their oaths, the priest moved on to the final question.

"Creek Brand, are you taking Queen Poppy as your wife?" The priest said

He replied "yes" with a quick dullness.

"And you, Queen Poppy, do you take Creek for your husband?" He continued

For a moment her thoughts grew louder. Because what would happen next? would you be okay? what was her life like? she couldn't let her be some bitch with a broom scrubbing the floor. After all, he did not love her, he was approaching her to get the King's attention. He just wanted to rule.

"I... I umm.. uh" she hesitated

They waited for an answer, she knew she would be wrong to say "no" now, but what else should she do? After 1 is forced to do so, after 2 with Creek at her side, the Pop Troll kingdom would never be conditionally safe.

Eventually she breathed in and out, hoping the others would understand.

"I.. uh.. no... s-sorry, i don't love you .. and i'm not ready ... at least not with you .. sorry .. "

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