~ Chapter 13 ~

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Somewhere in a remote part of the forest, the ship was still standing in the same spot.

"When are we finally leaving !?" Creek raised his voice as his hand slammed violently against the desk, making the guard in front of him be able to show fear.

Guardian... you know what? Why would I make it harder? A troll named Dave was still standing in a daze in front of the Creek, seeing him in the form of a voracious beast tearing his soul apart with its bloody claws.

"U-uh w-we'll leave in a few h-hours..." He stammered out a few random words, not even knowing if what he said was actually true.

- Few hours?! I want to sail away now!

- Now!

- NOW!

He screamed, digging his invisible claws into the desk. "Make it up... unless you want me to take care of your family too!"

- No please!

Dave tried to hold back his tears, tried to fight himself. One thing was for sure... you can't get rid of your own pain of grief.
he narrowed his eyes holding back his despair. He couldn't show that he was afraid...

"So do something!"
he shouted one last time, raising his index finger towards the exit door, signaling him to leave and not come back until he had new information.

The troll standing in front of him nodded slightly and then lowered it down doing the same with his ears. He turned, taking a step forward and heading towards the door.

He reached out to move the doorknob but... he didn't.


the door handle moved slowly, as if on the other side someone was begging to go inside.
Suddenly the door swung open, hitting Dave's head

"Lord, quick! They escaped!" said the panicked troll that struck a blow to the troll lying on the ground.

- Who escaped ?!

"Those gray weirdos!" the other guard shouted back, fearing for his life at the moment.

- You mean Branch and his gang of idiots?

"Uh... I don't know who Branch is so hard to tell" He chuckled innocently, even a little nervously seeing his bad face.

Creek took one of the knives out of his hair and pointed it at the ranger, whose heart was beating madly.
He made a move throwing a sharp object at him. the troll still standing in the door was lucky to dodge when the knife hit the wall with speed.

- You have to find them, understand ?!

He left it without comment and ran to obey the order.

"What are you lying down ?! Get up!" He noticed Dave, who was lying almost unconscious on the floor with a huge bump on his head.

"Uh... what happened ?!" He spoke with his eyes half closed, noticing Creek's crazy furious face in front of him.

he opened his scared eyes wide, still stunned by what the hell had happened.

"I said... get the fuck out looking for those trolls!" Creek yelled firmly right in the face of the immense troll.

Without any excuses, he got up, barely swaying slightly on his drooping legs, and walked towards the door, closing it behind him.
This time, with his back to the wall, he was glad that he was still alive. This time, however, he could show his emotions by crying his last tears.


In the ventilation

"Ouch! Get that leg out of my face!" Val shouted desperately yelling at Barb because of the cramped space making it difficult for anyone to move.

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