~ Chapter 11 ~

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Branch could finally help Poppy. The predominance of trolls gave him a better chance. He still felt bad about the leaders leaving him. Now he didn't care, and he kept moving forward to the future. Future with Poppy.

The second plan seemed easy enough, but it was only one certain death...... oh yeah, let me introduce him.


First, Branch goes to sneak up again with the key to the mysterious underworld. Meanwhile, security guards prepare a trap for Creek. However, it's risky because Creek might be with Poppy. So there is also a plan B. But.. I will explain it later.

Branch approached the security guards saying, "How's the trap? Ready?"
"Yes.. it will be soon"
"Ok give me the key." Branch said

At first, the security guard was terribly afraid and hesitated. He had thought that it would not work and that he would never see his family. So do the other guards. But at last he sighed and put the key in Branch's hand with a smile.

"Thanks for everything," guard said
"Thank you, too," Branch said, then walked away with the key to save Poppy.

Branch was driving his car somewhere in the woods. There was only a dark mist ahead of him. He kept driving until he ran out of fuel, the gauge showed the letter F.
"Oh, no, no, no, please don't do this to me." he muttered as he drove. He drove for a few more minutes at a slower pace. Until at last it stopped completely motionless.
"No.." he hit the steering wheel with his head, causing the horn to sound.

"Fuck it," he said and got out. But behind him he did so, he saw through the glass a strange figure walking towards him. However, this time he was prepared to fight. He waited a moment longer and the strange beast threw himself on the front window of the car making a great roar with the sound of shattering glass. Branch even jumped a little in fear, tried not to scream. After all, it's probably some innocent pet that got dirty with mud, right?

The monster brushed the mud off his face and.....

"Val ?!" Branch exclaimed
"Branch ?!" She screamed back
"Hey girls, I found him!" The rest of the leaders emerged from the bushes along with other trolls with weapons.

Branch turned away from them, showing anger on his face. He was still angry that they had left him, and there was no way to explain it to himself.

"Look dude, we know we left you and we did it wrong but .. we just brought help." Val translated

"You could have at least said." he snorted
"You couldn't do it yourself! But you didn't want to listen to us. What were we supposed to do ?!"

His ears dropped, knowing he was partially right.

"Know that we really care a lot to save Poppy. That's why we'll do it now." she continued
"I-I don't want to expose you guys, and anyway, I have a plan and I'll be fine on my own." Branch said
"Just see, with a broken car?" she scoffed

He just sighed

She opened the car door with the glass shattered and motioned for him to leave.
"Come on!"
"Come back home, I'll do it myself." he said
"No way." Val said and started walking towards the rest of the trolls who agreed with her.
"UGHH.. Good!.."
"Then what is the plan?" Holly said
"Hmm, I have some think.. but I don't know if you like it"


Meanwhile, the security guards had a trap ready in the work building. "Ok I guess it's fine" Suddenly they heard footsteps outside the door. "Hurry, we're hiding!"

They all hid and Creek went into the office, took some papers and was about to leave, but he saw through the camera one security guard hiding behind boxes "What the fuck" he said quickly and noticed one of them was adjusting the carpet. But why? He decided to check it out. He left the office and stood over the barrier at the view from above.

He looked for a moment and began to smile evilly.

He went downstairs and walked around the rug suspiciously. And he placed his foot lightly on the carpet, where it collapsed underneath it, but not enough to make it fall. The bodyguards, believing that he had burst in, pounced on him from hiding, but fell into the trap themselves
"AAAA!" they screamed as they fell. I admit that it would collapse under the carpet was quite long.
When they were completely down, they groaned in pain, got up and looked above each other to see Creek smiling up to his ears. "Stupid trolls." he said, covering them with a carpet. He then went out, leaving them there to die. Despite their screams, no one was able to hear.


Branch, leaders, and other trolls found a bodyguard disguise. That way, they could get there without hiding. "Do you have the key?" Holly asked. "I have a." Branch said and smiled, believing this plan would work.

they circled the mysterious underworld and split up in different directions. Of course, all in disguise.

Branch carefully followed the tunnels, every now and then looking for the bastard. He was slowly approaching his goal, not far from the door Poppy was in. The path was quite empty which surprised him until he suddenly stepped on something. His eyes widened and he looked down. He watched as one plate descended, causing one wall to slide, showing bow arrows, ready to attack.
"Oh fucking O____O" he said

Behind him he realized shots were fired at him. While he was making weird poses to avoid danger. However, he did not protect himself well in time and was shot in the nose with an arrow and he let out a scream that echoed.

At last he felt a hint of anger inside him and brutally pulled the arrow from his nose without making any sounds of pain.

He was running at higher speed when he pressed the plate again, which this time revealed the cannon with fireballs.
Outside there were screams and yells in pain. Eventually the door opened and Branch in it with all burned skin and scarred wounds here and there .. and he was standing with his face: "-.-"

But he ignored it, then dusted himself off and continued towards the door... grasped lightly on the doorknob... and when he had it all in his hand... he pulled and walked slowly out the door, just sticking his head out to make sure no one else was here. there are not.

He looked around for a while... but no one was there so he calmly walked in .. but in the cage... Poppy was gone ... maybe he went into another room? - he thought so.

He was about to leave .. and the sudden voice behind him made him freeze for a moment.
"Are you looking for something here?" the voice said
Branch turned to see his worst enemy - Creek.
He smiled at him and continued, "Poppy's not here anymore.. and besides.. nice disguise." He snapped a finger revealing the bodyguards came over holding the rest of Branch's friends.
Branch's ears fell... he failed... he failed again.

"Look out the window." Creek said
He turned, confident that he would probably see something terrible. He saw Poppy on the ship, trapped in a cage, begging for help.

(Yeah... there was a sea nearby or something like that)

"NO!" he shouted in disbelief.
The purple troll chuckled at his behavior and snapped his fingers again, saying, "Guard, take them away!"
"NO PLEASE!" he shouted as he was forcibly taken away, Nis wanting to take his eyes off the window.

"please..." he said more gently. Already from sadness that he can't do anything .. that he didn't do what he thought he would do. All in vain.

He was locked back in a cell... this time with his friends...

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