~ Chapter 9 ~

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The rain was still falling and the blood was streaming with it. Poor Branch was walking alone in the woods with an untreated wound. He could have an infection at any time. He was walking in one direction, no more tracks in front of him. He had no weapons with him and he had no chance to fight predators or get any food.

At last he sat down on the ground next to the rock, hoping that something would come and help him. He crouched down and tucked the front of his head into his knees.

It was completely dark. The fog began to slowly move towards him. When he was all in the fog, he slowly raised his head and noticed something glowing, colorful. In his perspective, it was flying. Oh yeah.. they are fireflies. Before he knew it, they began to line up along one of the roads. Apparently, they were pointing to where to go. The fireflies began to glow a little brighter to tempt him more. With no choice, Branch got up and came face to face with the path, the dark path. But it wasn't so dark now, because it was lit by the glow. He took one step forward. He took small steps because he did not have the strength to run or walk regularly.

He took a few steps forward, sighed, and continued into the woods where they led him.

He had been walking like that for half an hour. Until the light of the fireflies went out and he was confused there because he only had a great wall in the form of a rock in front of him. It is clearly a dead end. Why did they bring him here?

He came closer to touch the wall. But there was nothing here to help him. He was about to turn around and walk away until suddenly the ground collapsed beneath him. Works like Holly. However, it was not an ordinary hole with a bottom. It was an underground cellar. Something like a tunnel.

Once he had fallen to the ground, the wounds deteriorated significantly. A few minutes passed before he could eagerly get up. The place was quite spacious, but it was very dangerous. There were tools like knives, noises and many other torture devices everywhere.

"Hello? Anyone here?" That's all he could say.

There wasn't really anybody there. Now you have to find a way out. There were only a few doors in front of him that led either to an exit or to certain death.

He was about to open one of these doors until he heard the door creak open. Panicked, he quickly hid behind the barrels closest to him. He couldn't lean out too much because his hair was long and spiky. He would definitely be noticed. So he somehow patted his hair to the floor. Something in the form of a carpet.

The door was already fully opened and a troll stood in it. The purple troll. None other than the Creek.
Branch remembered him. He would have forgotten him. "Nobody knows about this place. So ... if he's here, maybe Poppy too!" He thought

Creek was talking to someone on the phone. It could be seen. He probably has some servants. He walked over to one of the cages. "Did you get enough sleep?" he said to someone. Someone was in this cage. Only who? After he looked back, he realized it was Peppy! The leaders also said he was kidnapped.

But Poppy was nowhere to be seen. He crawled quietly to the other barrels that stood a little closer.

As soon as he got closer, he could see it. Peppy was barely panting. He was clearly exhausted. What did he do to him? Creek said nothing to him. Then he opened the cage and grabbed his hair.
"Will I ever make you talk ?!" he said to Peppy, still holding his hair
"Whatever you do to me, I won't tell you." Peppy said hoarsely

Creek became furious and took him brutally to a certain door. But he closed it behind him with a snap. Branch heard a scream, a thump, and no life. The purple troll left alone and headed to another room.

After he left, Branch decided to find out what happened there. He turned back to make sure he was gone. He headed for the target and opened the door. What he saw caused him to stand there in shock with his mouth covered by his hands. There he found Peppy lying on the ground with a large amount of blood around. He walked over to him and put his ear to his chest to see if his heart was beating. It didn't beat.

He quickly ran out with light tears in his eyes because he remembers Peppy helping him when he was still a child.
Furiously, he started toward the door that Creek had entered.


Poppy was still sitting on the concrete, not knowing what was happening to her dad and the tribe in general.
She heard the door open but didn't turn around. Because she knew who it was.

"P-Poppy?" The voice asked
Her eyes widened. She knew that voice. She quickly turned to see. It was none other than:
"B-Branch!" She exclaimed with tears of happiness that he finally found her
Wasting no time, he ran to her and they hugged through the bars. Poppy continued crying, "Branch? H-How did you find me? She sniffed as she continued
"I'll tell you later, I'm sorry I took you to this party. I shouldn't have known you were in danger." He also said crying and continued, "But now you have to get you out of here, quick!"

He tried to open the padlock but failed. Even though he was doing his best. With all my might. There was nothing to be done. "Do you know where the key is?" he asked

"Creek has it" she said
"Fuck! It's all my fault," he said, and leaned back against his chest with his back to Poppy.
"It's not your fault Branch... I wanted to go to that party..." she said to him

"Sorry.." They said at the same time and looked at each other. They smiled slightly and then their smile faded as Poppy was still trapped. And she didn't know about her dad yet. Branch preferred not to tell her, but he had to do it at last.

They didn't have much time as Creek could come in at any moment. Now they just had to come up with a plan to get a key.


Temporarily short due to lack of time. 👉👈

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