~ Chapter 12 ~

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- Branch! Please! Do not leave me!
the voice screamed

- Branch!

The grayish troll was lying on the cold and dark surface, listening to the screams of a female voice in the background. His eyes grew heavier and numb from the cold. His nose turned an icy color and his lower limbs seemed completely stunned.

- Branch!

He could still hear it.

- Branch!

And once more.


His fingers were brittle and pale. Moving his body didn't help.

- Please! Stay with me!

He tried to fully open his blue eyes and see the reason for his call. All he knew was... that his voice reminded him of someone...

Someone he loved...

- P-Poppy?
he muttered lightly.

He still couldn't fully see anything. But he could sense... sense the threat.

Footsteps echoed across the dark space. The black figure was only 3 meters away from him.

"Well, I think you're on the verge of giving up, right?"
Asked the voice...

Another voice...

Even though his body was still limp... he tried to move.

Something stopped him. He felt a cold part against his stomach pressing against his insides. The pressure intensified.

he hissed in pain.

the character's hand traveled to his cheek and he moved his head to the side.
He brought his mouth close to his sensitive ear and whispered:

- Poppy is mine.

- N-no
he said weakly
almost breathless

The image in his blurry eyes grew even darker. He found s elsewhere.
This time he could open completely frozen eyelids.

There was a cage in front of him.

and inside her a pink troll was sobbing.

- P-Poppy?

she looked at him. Her glistening freckles were no longer visible. The crown was nowhere to be seen either. Drowned in tears, she fell unconscious.

- Poppy!

The gray troll got up.
He had to save the love of his life.
He wanted to take a step forward.

However, the wallq beneath him constantly tilted, knocking him off his feet and preventing him from rising again.

- No! Poppy!

he stretched out his hand just to get to her.

It was too late..


- AH!
he shouted

He looked up at the ceiling and looked around to make sure it was just a bad dream.
Someone touched his shoulder.

- AH!

He jumped when he felt a warm hand against his skin. You could feel his crazy heartbeat in your chest. He got scared.

- Are you okay, buddy?
Barb asked

- No..

At one point his eyes widened reminding himself of this strange phenomenon.
He ran to the window, but all he saw was the steamed windows.

- N-no..

Despite all his efforts, with all his strength... he decided to give up and understand that this goddamn life cannot be changed
One thing was for sure. He couldn't just sit there and wait for fate to change by itself.

- I have to get out of here.
he muttered
"Did you say anything?" Holly asked
"I have to get out of here!" he shouted in a clearer voice
"Even if we left, we have no chance with them...."

- You mean Creek? Of course we have a chance with him! He's a jerk! If it hadn't been for those guards, he would have been rotting in this shitty cell by now!
Branch said

- What are you suggesting? Barb raised an eyebrow

- Wait!

But you probably know that I have the key, right?
Val said

- WHAT!?

- And you haven't told us all this time??!! We are here for two days! TWO DAYS!
Barb said

"ummm, just now... do I remember?"

Maybe they had the key in their hands, but what now? They had no plan. Two days passed and the ship could depart a long time ago. It's only because Branch didn't know how to be careful. Too scrambled to save Poppy.

Val was about to open the gate, but her attention was drawn to the two guards who were heading towards them. They were not satisfied.
"Hey! What the hell are you guys doing?"

- Where did you get this ?!
One of them asked, pointing to a shiny object in the hand of a rock troll.

"Give it to me!" the guard took the key from her hands and put it in his pocket, not having to see it anymore.

- Hey!

- Why are you like this ?!
she asked breathlessly, trying to keep the tear rolling down her cheek invisible.

The male troll stopped and his ear twitched slightly "I have no choice."

I have no choice..

I have no choice..

You can understand it as if he is saying that he is out of breath.

Sorry it's short, I just don't want to think. Longer chapters will be available in a week.

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