~ Chapter 7 ~

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Branch stood as if he had been paralyzed several times. The possibilities are on the verge of reason. The worst part is that there was nothing he could do... well, he could. However, he decided to cry. He knew who did it, or at least he was sure of it.

The leaders heard the scream as well. It literally happened like out of some horrible horror movie.They ran to the place of sound or maybe even to the crime scene. There was a gray crying troll with a hint of anger.

"All ok?" Essence asked

"N-no" he said, he didn't want to answer at all, but what was he supposed to do when a group of random trolls surrounded him? His thoughts rolled over in his head like a carousel. Realized it was his fault. Why did he even open this letter? He might as well just ignore him like the rest of them. He had planned it that way, but he was genuinely curious. He threw all other letters into the trash at the earliest opportunity. Why? Only he himself can answer this question.

"What happened.. we heard screams and.." Holly started until Branch interrupted her. "It's not your case" And he left.

The darker thing is that there is neither Poppy nor Peppy. Was it a random horror?

The only way out of this situation was, of course, to look for traces. The gray troll knows who did it, but he didn't know where to look. Time was counting this second.

But, depending on how much he loved her, he never stopped looking. Leaders not wanting to let go. They followed him. Admittedly, the tactic is quite weak. But to get anything out of him, they had to do something. He felt bad, he definitely needs help.

"Boy, you can see something's going on" Holly said

He sighed, turned to face the leaders, Poppy's stained cloak still in his hand. "You know what it's like to lose the person you love?"

The tribal leaders must have known what it was like, after all, they had already lost Poppy and Peppy. It is true that they knew where to look for Poppy, so it took some relief.
"Yes" they replied, but they also had a slightly confused face to look at

"So you know what I feel" he replied, looking away from the leaders and going back into the darkness thinking that it could be worse. "You can see what it is like, we have lost sight of certain people too, and we want to find them in the best possible way" Essence said

He stopped. He didn't turn around but listened. Essence sighed and continued, "We have lost sight of two beloved persons... the Queen and the former King"

Branch raised his ears, then slowly turned to face them "Queen?" It was true that Branch knew about the ex-king but about the queen? He was just a recluse from an early age. "Who is this queen?" he asked

"Queen Poppy" Delta replied

Branch's eyes widened. Poppy is the Queen? He asked himself this question. Of course, they could have spoken of another troll with the same name. But he doubted it. How could she not tell him? Now he was aware that he was helping the Queen all the time. Now he also knew that he had to find her as soon as possible. He was still looking at the leaders, but instead of saying something, he walked over. Their eyes were fixed on him, waiting for a sudden movement. "I-I know her... and I know who could have kidnapped her"... "kidnapped?" Val asked "She was safe. We saw her in some white house, she said she lived there" she continued

"I WAS WITH HER IN THIS HOUSE!" he shouted, and the leaders could only flinch. He continued in a calmer tone "And now someone kidnapped her and it's all my fault" one tear ran down his cheek

"I found her running away from the wedding, I decided to help .. and that's how it ended!" He pounded a tree with his fist and a few leaves fell like tears, he began to sob more.

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