~ Chapter 16 ~

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The only option he had left was to run as fast as his legs could carry him. He also had to be very careful, because after all that, surely Creek had beefed up security. Now all he had to do was find the goal he cared about so much.

At first thought... it's quite easy, but deep down... he's terrified. To think that such a small creature could turn his head. If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't be here right now. He wasn't ready to live without her, he loved her unconditionally. Nobody wants to be lonely... and neither does he. If he gave up now, he might never see her again.

He ran around like that, he could run like that all his life and remember different beautiful moments, but the most beautiful he spent with only one person. He kept running until something interrupted him... something like... crying?

He lifted his gray ear and listened to his surroundings to see if he had heard anything.

Crying silently.

Where was it coming from?

He looked around for a nearby door, tracking the crying. Before he knew it... he hit a door at the very end of the corridor. He took a few steps forward, grabbing the doorknob and pulling it very slowly so that it didn't make any creaking noises. The door opened slightly, but he didn't go in right away, he had to wait a while to see if it wasn't some kind of trick. But he saw nothing suspicious. His gaze fell on a strangely moving pink blur that... reminded him of something.

His eyes widened in amazement. Was it really her?

- P-Poppy?

The female troll gasped and quickly turned her head toward the gray troll.
- Branch? - she said, still sobbing, trying to calm her tears and her breathing.

- I don't believe...

- Branch! - She grabbed the bars of her cage, frantically looking for a way out to reach him.

- Shhh, it's okay, I'm here -  he said as he walked over to her and held out his hand to her only for her to grab him and pull him even closer.

- I-I can't b-believe you're here. H-How did you do?

- I'll tell you everything later, but we have to get you out of here now. - he said

- O-okay.

He yanked the padlock left and right, but to no avail. - You have to be freed somehow... -  he said in a panic. - Do you know where a key is or something?.

- N-no.

He tried again with all his might, but it was no use.

- Branch, stop it.

He kept tugging

- I said enough Branch!

He sighed and collapsed next to her, leaning against the metal bars.
And what now? Epic fail. He dreamed of the amazing adventures he could spend with her. Well... and now? He was fighting for his life. He had not dreamed of such adventures. He knew he had to do what was right. He'd already lost her once, and he wouldn't make the same mistake twice. But what could he do?

- I-I'm sorry... if I'd watched you better... we wouldn't be here.

- Branch... it's not your fault

- That's mine - he got up

- I couldn't keep track of you properly!

- We will not give up. - she said

What a reason is a reason. They couldn't give up, not now. He stared at her for a moment, processing the whole crazy situation.

- Okay... I'll be right back.

- Wait! Where are you going?!

- Don't worry...I'll be back...

- Branch, no! - she begged, still shedding tears.

But he was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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