~ Chapter 6 ~

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The next day, Peppy was still waiting at his house. He was still waiting for the search trolls. He just wanted to give his daughter a guarantee of safety .. but how if there's some madman on the surface? And will they ever find Poppy? The question lingered in his head for the next several hours. So he pulled out the invitation ... the one Trollex gave him. He intended to tear them apart with enthusiasm. He shuddered for a moment. He looked again at the invitation. He noticed something strange, he was about to reach, but heard a knock on the door.


Poppy woke up and stared at herself in the mirror for a moment and blurted out words like, "I'm kinda fucked up today .____."

She straightened her hair and ran into the kitchen, thinking that Branch would be arriving with breakfast. She was wrong.

He wasn't in the kitchen. There was no breakfast. But why? Well, it was obvious, yesterday he bathed until late. He was not able to.

She did something quickly and she went outside began to breathe fresh air.

Until suddenly she froze with starch. She saw Val and Holly? What the hell were they doing here?

She quickly ran back home. She didn't want anyone to see her. Especially after what she did.

She was about to open the door until she heard a voice say: "Poppy?

Oh no no no - her mind was repeating the word. It was as nice as in a fairy tale, and now? She tried not to say a word so that they thought they were wrong with the person.

She felt a tap on her shoulder.

Poppy turned her head down with great regret, not saying a word.

The girl's eyes widened and they quickly greeted her in a group embrace.

Poppy was quite surprised.

"Poppy, where have you been?! ... and ... what are you even doing here?" Holly said

"I should ask you, here is the same," she replied

"Okay girl you don't have time, you have to evacuate" Val said

"Pfff what? I'm not going anywhere. Why?"

"Creek is looking for you, and apparently he won't give up," Val continued

"I don't worry about him, I don't give a shit about him"

"Okay, listen to what happened is the past. We are looking for you because we care about you. Your dad is worried, so are the other leaders" Holly said

"B-but I can't go back now" Poppy said

"And why is that? The search trolls are already looking for you and they are not far away, so we followed them" Holly continued

"And that's how we ended up here," Val finished

"Then tell me I'm not here," Poppy said with a nervous smile

"Poppy, what are you up to and why are you standing next to that house?"

"Because now it's like I live here" she said

"WHAT?!" they both shouted

They didn't understand it, because she just ran away a few days ago and already lives in such a house?

Poppy was about to say something until she heard the footsteps of the trolls looking for her. She quickly looked at her friends and blurted out, "Please don't hand me over" and slammed the door.

Trolls came up to them: "Are you ok? We heard some screams"

Val and Holly had no words for a while, until finally Val said, "No, it's all right"

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