~ Chapter 10 ~

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This is the stupid part that I thought of in this story XDD but I couldn't think of anything else.

At Pop Village, Creek headed to his job, which was quite a long way from conservation. You could say his work was even illegal. Peppy himself didn't know about it. Now he won't know.

He entered the building and headed for his office. He sat down in a chair and began leafing through some papers. Behind him there was a knock on the door. "Welcome." He said. An unknown troll then entered the room, wearing a sweatshirt and a hood over his head that covered his face, making it invisible.

Creek, of course, had a plan to get out of the village. There may have been trolls who suspected him, such as leaders who had returned from Branch.

The stranger troll sat in front of Creek's face. He was afraid she would recognize him and began to sweat a lot, but now he had to focus on the mission.
"What can I do for you?" he said in a sloppy voice
"Well, I need proof," the hooded troll said
"Then you've come to the right place," He replied with a smirk

The weird thing about it all is that there were a lot of security guards around the building. Why were they helping him? Maybe he threatened them?

Creek left the room to get the papers he needed. Meanwhile, the troll quickly rushed to his desk and began to search for cabinets. He didn't find what he wanted. His ear twitched as he heard footsteps. He quickly jumped into his seat and sat down, leaving the desk as it was. The purple troll entered with the necessary things and sat back down to its seat. "So.. what's your name?" He asked
"Uh.. my name is.." He was about to speak until he noticed something shiny behind Creek.
He stood still and stared at the wall.
"So what's your name after all?" he asked again
The hooded troll shook his head and turned it to face his enemy.
"My name is.. um.. Bra-... tson..?
"Well.. Bratson, the proof is just for you?"
"Okay .. please give your Pesel."
The troll was still staring at the wall, thinking it might be something he was looking for.
"What are you staring at?" He asked, also turning to the wall.

"Um .. oh look! Out there out the window!" he exclaimed, and Creek looked quickly towards the window, confused. It gave him a chance. He got up and ran to the wall, grabbing the key in his hands, and launched himself to the door. "HEY, COME BACK HERE!"

He sounded the alarm as security responded immediately and they ran after him.
"Get him!" one of them exclaimed as soon as they noticed him.

The hooded troll ran with all his might. He ran so fast that his hood fell off and his face appeared. It was Branch! Of course it's him.
Creek saw it all through the cameras and gasped because he recognized him and spoke furiously into the microphone: "Don't let him take the key!" He then left and headed for his vehicle.

Branch was still running and looking for something to hide somewhere and somewhere safe. Fortunately, he could already see the exit ahead. But as soon as he wanted to leave, the door automatically slammed in his face. "Fuck!" he exclaimed and ran the other way. The windows were also closed so there was no chance.

He ran faster and faster in every direction he could. One of the guards cut off his path, but unexpectedly slipped under him and continued running.

He ran and ran until he noticed a separate room, something like a brush cell. He hid there and sat in the corner. He pulled his communication gear from his sweatshirt pocket and exclaimed a name! "Poppy !?" To make sure she's okay. Yes, when they met, Branch gave this to Poppy to communicate with her. This time, however, there was no answer. "POPPY ?!" He exclaimed a second time, but only the hum was heard.

Suddenly another voice was heard on the device, something like a laugh, a scary laugh. "And what was that for you?" a voice spoke to him with a smooth voice but.. it wasn't Poppy.
"Creek ?!" he muttered quickly
"Yes.. it's me." He said in a tone of pride in himself
He was breathing hard and finally gasped, "What did you do to her ?!"
"Relax.. she is safe.. yet.."
"What do you mean that yet ?!"
There was no answer... just those strange voices again from the walkie-talkie.

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