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impromptu Q&A session on Instagram Story

Ask me a question

When did you find out you were pregnant?

I found out I was pregnant during a routine check-up because I wanted to change birth control, and the doctor was like you wouldn't need birth control for the next few months 😂

Who picked Leovanni's name?

Leandro did! He has had that name picked out since like forever 💙

Do you and Kylie have maternity photos together?

Yes, we do. We have a lot.

What was it like being pregnant at the same time with Kylie?

Fun. We did everything together, and we even had the same cravings, so I practically lived with her during my pregnancy. We just ate whatever together.

Who was the first person to know about your pregnancy?

Aside from Leandro because he was there when I found out, the first person I told was my mom because I had a photoshoot where I would be drinking, and I had to say to her I can't drink.

Do you want more kids? And if yes, how many?

I see myself for sure having four kids, including Leovanni.

Will all your children's names start with L?

Yes, L for first name and K for middle name.

How long have you and Leandro been together?

8 years. Married for two years.

How did Leandro propose?

In our backyard with candles and lots of flowers.

When did you Leandro get married?

February 22, 2020. A month after he proposed 💍

Did you take Leandro's last name?

Yes. Jenner-Ball for life 💪🏻

What's Leovanni's middle name?

Kavar in honor of Lavar but with a K.

Who has met Leovanni?

Our families. Everyone else has seen him on Facetime.

How's Leovanni?

He's great. He's such a calm baby.

When did you start showing?

I started showing around seven and half months into my pregnancy.

Do you plan on having more kids?

I can't wait to have more babies.

What is your favorite food?

Hot wings.

Favorite breakfast?

Cinnamon rolls and breakfast potatoes with hot sauce.

How many cars do you have, and which one do you drive most frequently?

I have the least compared to my siblings. I drive all four equally.

What was your biggest pregnancy craving?

Frozen yogurt and In-N-Out.

Did you have a baby shower?

I had a baby shower four days before I was due because I initially didn't want one but changed my mind last minute, but it was so much fun. Kendall threw it for me.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In 5 years, I'd like to see myself more prominent in the fashion and beauty world. But most importantly, I would love to help change the world we live in. I think we need a serious change for the better, and I would love to be a part of a revolution that will accomplish that.

What's your favorite holiday?


Lakers or Bulls?

Bulls #8 ❤️

Are you going to be on The Kardashians?


Do you ever rewatch episodes
of Keeping Up with the Kardashians once they're on?


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