Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Kassie goes to the living room where Leandro waits, holding a bouquet of red roses.

"Hey, Kassie," Leandro said.

"Hi, why do you have roses?" Kassie asked him.

"Am I not allowed to give my wife roses?" Leandro replied.

Kassie blushed.

"I guess not," Kassie said.

Leandro hands the red roses to Kassie and Kassie takes them from his hand and smells them before smiling at Leandro.

"Thank you, babe," Kassie said.

"Come on, let's go for a walk," Leandro said.

Now that Kassie and the kids were in Chicago. Leandro made it a priority to spend time with them especially Kassie so he would do spontaneous activities and stuff with Kassie like going for walks at the nearby park.

The two of them go to the park and walk along the path, discussing the house that they were renovating in a nearby neighborhood so that Leandro could commute from there to the arena more easily since they needed more space for the kids.

"I actually love that house more than our Los Angeles house," Kassie said.

Leandro chuckled.

"Well, technically it's just like our Los Angeles house but with more space," Leandro said.

"Yeah, but this one feels more private and less open to people which I never thought I could want for my own home," Kassie said.

"I get it," Leandro said.

They wander around until Kassie looked at the time on her phone and gasped.

"Oh shoot, I'm late for interview with House Beautiful," Kassie said.

Leandro opens his mouth to say something, then stops, fiddling with the keys in his pocket.

"Come on, let's go, it's over a FaceTime call," Kassie said as she leads Leandro over to a bench so she can connect the FaceTime call.

They take a seat on the bench.

"Hi, Amy," Kassie said as she answered the call.

"Hi, Kassie," Amy said.

"Thank you for interviewing me about my home decor brand, Sunny Decor," Kassie said.

"Thank you for being a cultural tastemaker," Amy said.

Kassie smiled as she held the phone up to her face as Leandro placed a hand on her thigh.

"I'm ready when you're ready," Kassie told Amy.

Amy chuckled.

"Great, let's get started," Amy said as she moved around a few papers and grabbed a pen, tape recorder, and notebook.

Kassie bites her lip and nods.

"First question: What inspired you to create a home collection?" Amy asked Kassie.

"My inspiration for Sunny Decor came from my love of minimalistic yet sophisticated design, which is simple and light, yet beautiful. During the pandemic when we were all spending our time at home, I found myself trying out new decor styles and textures to see what I really loved. I've always been a fan of feeling cozy, so it was a no-brainer to create a collection that delivered that same feeling while also being accessible to everyone," Kassie answered.

Amy nods.

"What were your biggest takeaways during the creation process?" Amy asked.

"When we started working on Sunny Decor four years ago, I had the chance to learn all of the steps that go into creating a home collection. From the production process to sourcing quality yet affordable materials, one of my biggest takeaways was learning how to incorporate different colors and textures into a product that was transitional throughout the year," Kassie answered.

"If you could use one word to describe your decorating style, what would it be?" Amy asked.

"Minimalistic. I love warm wood finishes, nude, Earthy tones, and chic neutrals that will have a lasting presence in your home," Kassie explained.

"If you were to give us a tour of your house, which room would you show us first?" Amy asked.

"While I'm obsessed with my bedroom, I think my closet/glam room would be the space I'd show you first. I worked with the amazing Riìa Safford who transformed the space to look and feel like a high-end store, it's so beautiful," Kassie says.

"In such a saturated market, what do you hope to bring to the home decor arena?" Amy asked.

"I strongly believe that everyone should be able to feel comfy and cozy in their home without breaking the bank. When I was creating Sunny Decor, it was important to me that this collection was accessible, affordable, and genuinely made people happy when they interacted with the products every day," Kassie answered.

"How has your social media personality background provided you with the necessary skills to launch a business?" Amy asked.

"My background has allowed me to connect with people around the world and gain an understanding of what people are looking for in products. My community has been with me since the start and are an integral part of the Sunny Decor journey. When I created this collection, it was super important to me that the products would be able to represent not only me, but my entire fanbase. I also have the privilege of knowing extraordinary entrepreneurs that have taught me valuable lessons when it comes to creating a business," Kassie told Amy.

"What is one myth you would like to debunk surrounding social media personalities who double as entrepreneurs?" Amy asked.

"That we aren't involved in the day-to-day work that goes into creating a brand. There is a horrible stigma attached to social media personalities who double as entrepreneurs that is hurtful and unnecessary. I want my fans to know the amount of work that went into creating this collection and how it didn't happen overnight," Kassie answered.

"What's next for you?" Amy asked.

"Aside from having more babies. I'm really focused on The Sunny Brand and continuing to explore my passion for home and design. I'm also continuing to work on my spirit brand, Sunny Vodka," Kassie answered.

The interview is over after that and Kassie ends the call with Amy saying that she will send over the details of the interview to Kassie's manager.

Kassie looks at Leandro and smiles.

"That was a quick one," Kassie said.

Leandro puts an arm around Kassie's shoulder.

"You did great answering the questions," Leandro said.

"Thanks," Kassie said.

Kassie leans into his embrace, pressing her face against his chest.

"Come on, let's get back to the kids," Leandro said.

"Yeah," Kassie said.

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