Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

"Kassie," Leandro called out as he entered the living room.

"Andro! I didn't know you were coming home," Kassie said as she stood up to hug him.

Leandro hugged her then they took a seat on the couch together.

"Well, I know you're feeling sad after you told me you're pregnant with twins, I thought I should come so we can talk about our plans for the future of our family," Leandro said.

"I'm fine; I know the pregnancy wasn't planned but I'm more in shock than sad about it," Kassie said.

"Yeah, but I know this process can take a toll on you, especially since you already feel like you're taking care of the babies by yourself while I'm training in Chicago," Leandro said.

Kassie looked at Leandro.

"What's wrong? You look tired," Kassie said.

"Nothing, I'm fine," Leandro said.

Kassie touched his face to make him look at her.

"I know something is wrong. What is it?" Kassie asked him.

"I've just been thinking a lot," Leandro replied.

"Continue," Kassie said.

"I know you didn't want a full-time nanny but I think for your sake, we should get a live-in nanny. I'll try to come back home more often than before so I can help you, I don't want you traveling too much with the kids so I'll put more work in our household to help you and be more present," Leandro said.

"Oh, yeah maybe we should do that. I think I have to accept that I need a village to help me and not try to take on everything by myself," Kassie said.

Leandro nods.

"When do you want to tell our families?" Leandro asked her.

"Definitely after Kylie's birthday trip," Kassie answered.

"Definitely after Kylie's birthday trip," Kassie answered

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Leandro and Kassie decided with permission from Kylie to announce their pregnancy at the end of Kylie's birthday trip.

Leandro flew his family out so they could be present during the announcement. Kassie and Leandro planned to announce their pregnancy by revealing the genders of the twins during the last dinner on the trip.

They walked everyone over to the spot where everything was set up for their announcement.

"Everyone we have an announcement to make," Kassie said and Leandro stood next to her.

"Yeah we wanted you all here today to say that...Kassie has something to tell everyone," Leandro said.

"Oh my God!"

"Oh wow!"

"She's pregnant!"

"Andro?" Kassie asked.

"We're so lucky and blessed to have everyone here, we just wanted to let everyone know that we're having twin boys!" Kassie announced as a blue powder shoot out from behind her and Leandro.

Everyone was shocked. Kylie walks up to Kassie and hugs her while Kim hugs Leandro. Kris is crying and so is Leandro's mom.

"How far along are you?" Tina asked.

"I'll be fifteen weeks on Tuesday," Kassie answered.

andro and kassiebaby

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andro Number 3 & 4 👼🏼👼🏼 @kassiebaby
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Chicago Bulls Star Leandro Ball Says 'It'll Be Fun' Balancing NBA Season and Fatherhood

"It's going to be a completely new experience for me," says NBA All-Star Leandro Ball, who will enter the 2022-23 season as a new father and first-time max contract player

Leandro Ball will earn more than $40 million dollars during the upcoming NBA season. But the big reward for the 27-year-old basketball star will be becoming a father of four, an experience he's excited to share with his wife, Kassie Jenner.

"It's going to be a completely new experience for me," Ball tells PEOPLE, noting that Kassie is due in 2023. "I think I'll be able to adjust, but you know, knowing that it's going to be more about [the babies] and my wife, and obviously my job has its demands."

Last month, Ball signed a maximum contract extension with the Chicago Bulls, which will earn him $215.2 million dollars in five years. To prepare for the new season, Ball has partnered with Klarna to make sure he's prepared for the demanding NBA schedule with a shoppable collection of off-season essentials. "Klarna's been great, allowing me to be myself," says Ball. "That goes along with what I look for. Klarna aligns with what I like and what I'm looking to do and how I want myself to be seen with other brands. They've been great and we're looking forward to doing things in the future."

Although Ball's personal and professional promotions come with greater expectations, he's excited for the new challenges. "It'll be fun to adjust the season," says Ball. "Now, everything comes second and that's what's most important is making sure we start our family right, and making sure the babies' healthy, my wife's healthy, and getting everything on track, and then basketball."

With the expansion of his family on the horizon, and a new NBA season shortly after that, Ball tells PEOPLE he's looking forward to "being able to come home after good, bad, average games, whatever it may be, just to come home and be a dad."

Ball posted impressive stats last season with the Chicago basketball team, earning his third NBA all-star selection. As he prepares for his first season as a max contract player, the shooting guard thinks expectations are "around the same" as previous years. "I think that's why you get the contract, you play for that, and you are what you're worth," he says.

The Bulls star assures fans he's ready for the challenges he'll face this season. "People really don't have to worry about that side, 'cause I think for me, I have my own bucket list and checklists and things that I want to accomplish for myself," says Ball. "You know, I continue to go out there and play the way I am, have been, continue to, to try to lead the team to wins and get deeper and deeper into the playoffs."

He'll continue to let his game do the talking as he enters the 2022-23 NBA season on Oct. 19.

In the meantime, Ball is focused on "learning as much as" he can as a soon-to-be dad of four, especially catering to wife Kassie's needs during her pregnancy. Currently, his duties include fulfilling her unusual cravings and offering back massages or foot rubs.

"Happy wife, happy life," Ball laughs.

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