Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Kassie showed up at Kourtney's house after her doctor's appointment, filled with anxiety. She had just shared the news with Leandro, who seemed to have taken the news well but Kassie wasn't sure they were to expand their family this soon.

Kassie walked in, yelling Kourtney's name until she found her outside with Travis. The moment Kassie heard Kourtney's voice, tears started filling her eyes.

"Kassie," Travis said, noticing the tears in his youngest sister-in-law's eyes. "Um, is everything okay?" Travis asked.

Kourtney patted the space next to her for Kassie to sit down. Kassie was not really the type to cry in front of people, so there had to be something and Kourtney knew it.

Kassie sat down on the couch, looking down at the floor. Saying nothing.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Kourtney asked with worry written all over her face.

Kassie took her handbag, and started looking for something. She took out the ultrasound photo and handed it to Kourtney. Kourtney took it and just looked at it.

"You're pregnant," Kourtney said softly.

"With twins," Kassie added.

"Is this a bad or good thing?" Travis asked, wanting to know if he should congratulate her or not.

"Kassie?" Travis asked again. Kassie didn't answer.

Kourtney placed her hand softly on Kassie's shoulder. Kassie was just quiet with watered eyes, Travis and Kourtney didn't know what to make of the tears.

"Kassie, are you not happy with being pregnant?" Kourtney asked Kassie.

"I don't know," Kassie answered.

Her voice is raspy from the lump in her throat. Tears now falling down her face. Travis handed her a napkin. Kourtney pulled her into a hug.

"How far along are you?" Kourtney asked her.

"12 weeks and 3 days," Kassie answered.

"You are 31% of the way there," Travis said.

"Your realistic birth window is between February 14th, 2023, and March 6th, 2023, right?" Kourtney asked her.

Kassie nods.

"But with twins, they tend to come early than their due date," Kassie replied as a snob came from her trough, she just couldn't help it. The tears just kept coming.

"So, I know it wasn't planned by your tears but does Leandro know?" Kourtney asked her.

Kassie nods her head.

"Yeah, I told him before I came over. He didn't say much but he seems okay with us being pregnant again," Kassie answered.

She puts her head down on Kourtney's shoulder and throws her arms around Kourtney's waist.

"I'm just so scared, I'm overwhelmed with Leo and Lolo, I don't know how I'm going to do it with four kids under one, Kourt," Kassie said.

Kourtney understood Kassie's worries about being pregnant so soon after having a baby and adopting another one.

"You have help, you just have to reach out more to us and we'll help you, Kassie, you know that," Kourtney said sweetly putting her hand through Kassie's hair.

"Yeah, we'll help you, it takes a village, Kassie," Travis said as he took Kassie's hand and rubbed his thumb on it, trying to comfort her.

Kassie sighed.

"Yeah, I think I'll be happy with being pregnant once I talk to Leandro about it," Regina says softly.

Kourtney smiled.

"But twins, wow," Kourtney said, surprised.

Kassie chuckled.

"I know I thought my doctor was lying when she told me," Kassie said, showing a tiny smile.

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