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impromptu Q&A session on Instagram Story

impromptu Q&A session on Instagram Story

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Ask me a question👀

What was the first thing you thought of
when your alarm went off this morning?

My Vogue cover shoot.

Are you really Scott and Vanessa's daughter's Godmother?

Yes! I'm Posy's Godmother 🫶🏼💗 Such an honor.

If you could be on any other reality show, what show would it be?

Umm... I don't know. I don't watch a lot of reality shows. I barely watch the one I'm on. But maybe, #RHOM, #RHOBH, or Basketball Wives.

Who is the best cook out of you and your sisters?

I am. Been cooking since I was ten. Khloe and Kylie are definitely in second place tho.

Do you want more kids?

Yes. I definitely want a big family. I could definitely do five or ten kids.

Are you and Khloe talking again?

Working on it.

Do you like Tristan?


Who was the last person you talked to today?


Can we see your wedding photos?

Maybe on my wedding anniversary.

Forbes just outed you as a billionaire with a net worth of $2.9 billion.

I'll check with my account.

Who are your kids' Godparents?

My kids have the same Godparents and so will any future kids I have: Kylie & Karl-Anthony.

I thought Khloe would have been your kids' Godmother.

Kylie and I have same parental views and we're closer so I wouldn't have it any other way.

Who's your favorite brother-in-law?


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