eight : moving along

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^spencers 2nd fit/mall fit in media^

I woke up the next day with a dull headache. The sound of my alarm buzzed away and I groan, not looking forward to what I had decided I was dubbing 'rules day'.

This day would always happen within the first week of a new placement. Some were nicer and less strict than others but I could never really predict how long or severe the lists would be.

So, I dragged myself out of bed and quickly changed from the pajama shorts I had been wearing into black sweatpants before throwing a hoodie over my head and sighing at my tangled hair. I fought off all urges to turn over and sleep for the rest of the day, instead digging through a drawer for socks and then running my brush under water.

I brushed the tangles out the best I could, mentally reminding myself to cut my hair later and praying Gerard wouldn't be upset about it.

Checking the time on my phone, I deemed that it was a reasonable time for me to at least be awake with time to spare to possibly find a way to get caffeine into my system. I had failed to bring any energy drinks with me, seeing as Karen had never kept any in the house and Jessica hadn't stopped at a gas station or anything on the way here last night.

As I trudged up the stairs, the strong scent of coffee qafted in the air and a small smile formed on my face. I greeted Gee, who tiredly waved back with a coffee mug in his hand.

"The mugs are in the third cabinet over if you wanted a cup. There should be milk and a couple of creamers in the fridge. Sugar is on the counter."

I bodded at their ramblings, happy to pour myself a cup before adding a ton of sugar and using the hazelnut creamer I had spotted in the fridge. It was that coffeemate brand.

I sat across from Gee at the table, nervously tapping on the mug. It was a simple black mug that had been sitting towards the back. I chose it because it was less likely to be anyone's favorite. I'm sure I'd eventually end up with my own if I stayed here long enough, even if I ended up buying it myself.

"So...what rules are there?"

Gerard looked slightly confused before his brain must have caught up. He pulled a slightly crumpled up piece of paper from his pocket and I smile in the hopes that this meant the rules were short and not very strict.

"Uhm, pretty basic...clean up after yourself...stuff like that. Try to be in bed by midnight, or at least be quiet?"

I nod, bringing one of my legs up to rest on the seat of the chair. I shifted my weight slightly for comfort.

"As far as language, you're a teenager so I don't expect you to have completely pure vocabulary."

I laugh a little at that and push hair out of my face.

"Are there any specific words you don't want me saying? Cause at some of my other placements they had weird ones."

Gee raised an eyebrow in amusement, prompting me to give examples.

"So I lived with this really laid back hippie couple for a few days and they had one rule, and it was that I could never say the word moist. They both hated it that much."

Gee laughs and I smile. At least I wasn't being yelled at here. I could feel myself being more relaxed than I had the night before.

"No, no. Just like don't say slurs, but that's pretty obvious."

I laugh again and nod, glaring at the piece of hair that fell into my face again.

"Uhm, I don't mind if you cuss but when Bandit is over if you can try to censor or at the very least limit it?"

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