eleven : so close yet so far

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The next 3 weeks flew by in almost no time and while I had gotten adjusted to living with Gerard and seeing Bandit a couple times, most of my focus and attention was on the talent show.

While I thought it was really dumb, I had also dropped the hint to my parents that I might be going on tour soon. They had no idea I lived with Gee because in all honesty, I barely had any time to talk to them. 

So on the last Monday morning of my sophomore year of high school, I sat on the counter by the sink at 5 am. I was humming the melody for the song I was performing when Gee came out of their room.

I panicked slightly, stopping my humming and quietly sliding off the counter before I picked up the black coffee mug I had designated to be mine for the time being.

"Hey, you're up early."

I nod and go about making coffee before answering a text from Vanny, who had stayed up with me on speaker the other night so we could finish a history project together.

It hadn't gotten any sleep last night so now she was texting borderline gibberish to me. To be fair, I had maybe an hour myself before my alarm had gone off. I still stood in my pajamas.

"So, got any plans for this week? Specifically Thursday at 1:30?"

I rock slightly on my feet. While I had been living in the Way household for just under a month, I had grown attached fairly quickly. While I know my parents are still alive and healthy, fighting to get me back, I still started to see Gee as a father figure as well.

I felt weirdly slightly guilty about that.

"Uhh we've got a meeting about tour but it'll be over by 2, why?"

Shit. I guess I could probably sign up or request to go last.

"Just...my class has this dumb talent show thing and I kinda wanted to have someone in the audience to validate my performance."

Gee laughs a little and pats my head, saying he'd definitely be there, even if they had to reschedule the meeting.

I smiled widely before I checked the time on my phone. With slightly wide eyes, I race downstairs to get ready.


I stood behind the curtain full of nerves. I dint usually get too nervous performing in front of people my age but knowing that Gerard Way of all people was probably out there to hear me sing one of his songs made almost all types of bugs create a home in my stomach.

"Yo, spiderweb, you've got this!"

Thrown off by the voice, I look over my shoulder before cringing at Levi's attempt on a nickname.

"Spiderweb, really?"

"Yeah cause the spiderweb eyeliner? What you'd rather I call you Evan Peter's in murder house?"

I roll my eyes as Levi sets whatever he had in his hands down. They had done a monologe for their talent; they had taken the nonlogue from a Hannibal fanfiction he had read last year.

"Whatever, Lev."

Then I was told I was on.

The silence was loud when I started, starring ahead into the dark house seats before I shifted my focus immediately on Vanny and Anubis. They had gone to the house after their performances.

At some point I had closed my eyes to stop myself from shaking so much and they remained closed for a good chunk of the song.


"So...you chose Demolition?" Mikey looks over at me a little suprised as I meet up with him in the hallway. I laugh with a shrug, making my way to the water fountains because that was a lot of singing.

"Of course I did. Was I not supposed to?"

Mikey laughed and shook his head as I spun around with and a hand on my hip and an expression of pure sass on my face.

"Just didn't realize you were a fan"

I shrug as I drop my arm, shaking it a little bit to get the water off of them. I had bumped it on the water fountain briefly.

"Yep. Kinda impossible not to be when my parents are huge fans themselves. Where's everyone else?"

"Avoiding fangirls."

I laugh and follow Mikey to where everyone else was.

I see the usual ones before a very familiar head turns toward me and it takes everything in me not to jump on him in happiness.

"Spencer, this is Bvb's tour manager. We're going on tour with bvb this summer, suprise?"

I can see my dad tearing up and it's...a miracle to see him in person for the first time in 2 years. I can't help the small smile from growing as I notice that he had kept his hair long and the fact that he wore his hair now in a half up/half down style with a small slightly hidden braid warmed my heart.

I tried so hard not to cry as we all made our way outside. Gee quickly explained that they all decided to cut the meeting short to come see me.

When we got to the place they were meeting, I tried my hardest not to just throw myself at my dad and hug him.

I couldn't risk it, not before Gerard knows the context and not while my dad was keeping a professional front.

That rascal Flatts so had gotten stuck in my head for the rest of that day, specifically the verse in the chorus.

"What hurts the most, is being so close..and having too much to say" or something along those lines.

About halfway through the meeting, I got pretty hungry considering I hadn't eaten anything all day. The schools lunch had been some fish taco thing and I didn't want any part of it.

"Da- Geee I'm hungry."

Gerard turned to me with a raised eyebrow and I could feel my dad's eyes on me as well. I could imagine he was hiding a smirk at my near-mess up.

"We can get something after this, Spence."

I groaned and leaned back, biting on my cheek slightly when a sharp pain poked at my ribs. I had worn my binder today and it was creeping up to 8 hours now that I had been wearing it.

"Why not now? I'm a starving growing teenager, I need food!"

"I can take em to get something. If that's fine with you of course."

The band all stare at my dad. Gee looked hesitant before looking over at me.

"I'm hungry too, I'll drive." Frank volunteered and I smile, immediately jumping up and motioned for my dad to follow us.

"Cmon, Markcusious let's go get so Mc nogs."

"Mc - you are so weird spi- spencer."

I shrug at dad and gently grab his wrist.

The addition of Frank meant it'd be unlikely I'd be able to openly talk to dad as dad, it was still nice to hang out with him. And if this tour meant anything, it meant I'd see him and be around him again.

This summer was definitely one to look forward too.


A/n : fun fact; Demolition Lovers is one of my favorite mcr songs.

Along with Boy Division, Disenchanted, and Cemetery Drive :)

And I also tend to shorten some of the names hence Mikey saying Demolition.. anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter and I would love to hear feedback :)

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