Powers & Gifts

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Me: Am I sorry for taking this long? I'm not saying anything.

The main reason this chapter took a while to come out was that I didn't know what to put out in this chapter. And I was stuck.

And I got sidetracked by many other things and stories.

Sorry, but here it is! Enjoy!


Vision or Dream - *Talking*
Cybertronian speaking - "Talking"
Comm Link Bot/Con/Human/Over Video - "talking"



Abelia groaned, rubbing her head. She opened her eyes and gasped. The world around her was filled with soft blue colors along with white and black. The three colors blended together to create a beautiful sight.

"Oh wow," Abelia breathed.

"I agree. This is beautiful." Gasping, Abelia turned and blinked. Optimus was standing next to her, but his height was that of a human, his optics meeting her eyes.

"Optimus," Abelia asked, reaching out with her bond. Optimus smiled, reaching out the same, sending reassuring waves to Abelia.

"It's me, Abelia."

Abelia laughed, stepping towards her new brother and looking him over. It was so much easier to see the details on Optimus that she couldn't see at their normal heights.

"Well, you are now at my level it seems," Abelia smirked, "Or I am at yours."

Optimus laughed, looking down at himself. "It appears so. I do believe they chose to have us the same height for you since you are smaller than us all."

Abelia made a confused sound, tilting her head in her confusion. "They?"

"That would be us."

Startled, Abelia and Optimus turned to see three figures appear. Two of them were mechs that looked alike and the other was a femme. One mech was silver with blue optics while the other was gold with green optics. The femme's optics were a soft red color, not the glaring red of Decepticons, but a flower. She was silver as well, but she had stripes of white thin metal around her that reminded Abelia of fabric.

The silver mech looked at Optimus and smiled, "Hello Orion. Nice to see you again."

"Oh," Optimus breathed, looking at the three of them in shock. Abelia looked between the three of them and Optimus, confused. Just what was going on?

"I'm confused. Who are you," Abelia asked, looking back at the mechs and femme.

The silver mech chuckled, "Sorry for your confusion. I am Primus. This is my brother Unicron and sister Prima."

Abelia blinked once, then twice. "Oh."

Prima giggled, "Sorry, but we wanted to talk to the both of you. It's been a while since we had a Prime and Vessel."

"Wait, so me and Optimus getting dizzy just now, that was you," Abelia exclaimed, pointing at them, the knowledge that they were the Cybertronian Gods and Goddess not sinking in yet.

"Yes. A side effect of us contacting you," Unicron huffed, crossing his arms, "We waited till you were done with that meeting to call you to us."

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