I'm In Danger

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Me: So, how do you guy's like the story so far?

I like it a lot because I'm the one writing it and plus it's different.

I hope you guy's enjoyed this chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers. I only own Abelia.


Vision or Dream - *Talking*
Cybertronian speaking - "Talking"
Comm Link Bot/Con/Human - 'talking'


Location: Pentagon

Analysts were chatting, trying to find out where the source of the signal that hacked the military bade in Qatar. A bearded analyst ran up to his friends, peering up down at them from the other side of the computers.

"Hey, guys," they looked up at him, "I think the other team figured it out. Iran."

However, they disagreed.

"Come on, man. This is way too smart for Iranian scientists, eh? Think about it," another male analyst stated.

The bearded analyst lost his smile as his friend sighed, leaning back into his seat and going over the signal again. A spectacled analyst leaned towards his friend and the only female of the group.

"What do you think, kid? Chinese," he asked her.

She shook her head, "No way. This is nothing like what the Chinese are using." She paused before tossing him a look, "And my name is Maggie, not kid."

Realizing that he insulted her, he mumbled a quick 'sorry' and went back to want he was doing.


Location: Air Force One

In the cockpit of Air Force One, pilots worked on the controls and buttons. In the back-round of the chattering officers, the T.V. was on.

"This is Air Force One. Level of flight, level three-three-zero," an officer said.

"We will hunt down this enemy. And when we do, we'll know just what to do with them," Keller said on the T.V., answering questioning that was asked to him.

Someplace else in the place where passengers stay, a flight attendant smiled as she served a man a drink and walked away.

"Thank you," the passenger as he took his coffee.

"You're welcome," she said.

She nodding and smiling at a man in a suit holding a newspaper who smiled at her. The man went back to looking at the newspaper and crossing his legs.

He wasn't aware that right underneath him was a CD player boom-box. Then, the boom-box started transforming. It crawled out from under the seat and stood up from behind the oblivious human's seat. It's Frenzy.

"Stupid humans. Can't even tell I'm right here."

Frenzy peered over at the chair at the newspaper the male human was reading, seeing that he was reading about the base attack. Before Frenzy could gloat to himself about the might of the Decepticons, he ducked to attention by another passing flight attendant. When the coast was clear, Frenzy walked off, intent on doing his task.

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