The Promise And The Car

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Me: So, the next chapter is finally here.

Thanks for waiting so long for it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers. I only own Abelia.


Thoughts - Talking
Vision or Dream - *Talking*


After a while of just talking to each other, Will opened his eyes when he was jerked. Will recognized the signs of a military plane landing, however, Abelia did not know so she was instantly worried.

*What is it? Is something wrong?* Abelia was concerned, the thing that attacked that base instantly coming to mind.

*No, nothing is wrong. We are just landing.* Will assured her, feeling signs of panic coming from Abelia and not wanting her to panic, tried calming her down.

*Oh.* Abelia said, watching as Will made sure his gear was in order.

Will paused, taking in the feeling of concern and the dread coming from Abelia. Something was affecting her and he didn't know why, but he wanted to make sure she was alright. After all, who knows how long she was gonna stay stuck in his mind.

*Abelia, is something wrong?*

Will got the sense that Abelia was biting her lip, which was weird because he couldn't see her and she was in his mind.

*I don't know. Um, have any bases been destroyed lately, like, been completely wiped out and no survivers?*

Will had to make sure he kept his head down to prevent his comrades and friends to the shock and alarm on his face at the question.

*What! No! Why?!*

*Because I just came from seeing a base get completely blown up by something. I don't know what it is. All I know is that it caused a lot of destruction and it was after something on a computer, some files. I don't know what.*

Will was unnerved at this. Something attacked a base and destroyed it, and no one even knew what it was. Just as he was gonna ask another question, Epps spoke up.

"Hey, we're about to land," Epps said, looking at his friend, wondering if something was wrong.

Clearing his face, Will lifted his head and smiled, "Got it. Everyone, get your things together. I don't want to have to call the pilot back because someone forgot their clothes and undergarments."

Donnelly groaned as everyone laughed. He was never gonna live that down! Abelia laughed, her unease fading until it wasn't there. Will smiled at his success in calming her down.

The military plane landed, everyone grabbing their packs and walking off the plane. Will was leading them off with Epps at his side. Will didn't notice Epps looking at him worriedly.

"Hey man," Epps said.

Will looked at Epps, noticing how worried he looked.

"Your not sick, right? You were acting kinda strange for a couple of minutes back there," Epps pointed out.

Will groaned, ignoring Abelia's chuckling. Epps and Will have been friends for so long that they could tell what was wrong with the other. Will should have known he couldn't have hidden his actions from Epps for long.

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