Paths And Wishes

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Me: This is a transformer story that popped in my mind one day. I hope that you like it!

*Note: I redid the first chapter since I did not like it and now, I like it better.*

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers. I only own Abelia.

Besides anything else, enjoy it!


Cybertronian speaking - "talking"
Comm Link Bot/Con/Human - 'talking'


Cybertron, home to the Cybertronians.

It was a peaceful planet and much like Earth, where it's people lived their days working, playing, and thriving. From the Cybertronians in the cities to the Cybertronians in the arena for Gladiators. Every day they went through their lives, some of them not caring for every day in and day out.

Those in the high ranks cared only for themselves and their own entertainment. They did not care for the weak, to them, it was those who had the most credits, their currency, and the High-Grade Energon. They would laugh at the homeless of their kind who did not of the pleasure of Energon in their system when they needed it. They would look at those with homes, normal folk, and see them as beneath them, as they were not like them at all.

Nothing was done to protect the beings who needed it, all because their lives were controlled by those in the higher rank. In the past, those in the high rank protected those lower in rank than themselves, but now, they have forgotten and those mechs and femmes in the lower rank suffered.

The High Council controlled Cybertron ever since the last Prime died.

The High Council, a group who cared only for their own beliefs, believing the needs of the many outways the needs of the few. They believed that this was a good thing, that this was the life for all as well. No one dared fight and question the beliefs of the High Council. Those who did ended up dead before the day ended. Some even went missing, never to be seen again.

Cybertron was a peaceful planet, but at the cost of its own people, who had no choice but to live every day. Peaceful, but at the cost of the blood of their own and the forced servitude in the lower rank.

But remember the needs of the few? Those few rose up and challenge the High Council. The High Council tried to stuff them out, but the few grew and grew in numbers soon becoming an army that challenged the High Council and those of High Rank.

Some of the High Ranks joined the few, believing that the never-ending suffering would spell their own doom. That others if the High Rank had forgotten what it meant to be at such a rank, that they had to protect their own. the few wanted the System of Ranks destroyed, so everyone could live without being under someone else control.

The High Council refused and refused, not caring in the slightest.

Then, two Cybertronians who saw each other as brothers, a Gladiator named Megatron and a Data Clerk, a Liberian under the wing of Alpha Trion, named Orion Pax came forward, with many behind them to make their point known.

Megatron wanted to used force, telling the High Council that if they didn't remove the System of Ranks, then he force them to, with the army backing up. Threaten to be beaten into submission, the High Council gave their own threat of removing Megatron himself with the new Prime chosen by the High Council, Sentinel, backing them up. Angered, Megatron threatened war if he wasn't made Prime so he could remove the System of Ranks, angering the High Council and Sentinel even more.

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