A Place To Call Home

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Me: I honestly couldn't wait for this chapter.

There are so many things I have planned. There's a part near the end that is wholesome and fluff that I'm proud of myself!

Also, this chapter starts the next Saga. That is "Second Saga: New Home and Survivors".

I hope you all enjoy the reading!


Vision or Dream - *Talking*
Cybertronian speaking - "Talking"
Comm Link Bot/Con/Human/Over Video/Bond - "talking"


With Abelia, Will, & The Bots

There is something about going somewhere new with your family. For Will, they were all merely going home to his wife and daughter. For Abelia and the Autobots, they were heading someplace new and were slightly unsure of how they would be received by Sarah Lennox. Abelia because she didn't know how the woman would act and the Autobots didn't know how they would be taken by her.

"Hey. Stop worrying. My wife will be nervous around you guys, but she'll warm up to you," Will stated, trying to ease the Autobot's worries. He was wearing new clothes fit for his new rank as Major, but Abelia was wearing the same clothes for the past couple of days. She didn't know why, but she didn't feel the need to change.

They were riding back in Ironhide and were only 15 minutes away from reaching the Lennox country home. Ratchet and Bumblebee were behind them in case Abelia needed Ratchet and Bumblebee if he needed to speed ahead or to fall back. Optimus and Jazz were behind them in case anyone, mostly con, followed from behind.

"If you say so," Ratchet said.

"Oh come on, Ratchet! If Will says his sparkmate will warm up to us, then we have to trust his word. He knows her better than we do," Bumblebee spoke, trying to help Will ease the worries of his friends, as well as himself.

"Hez got a point," Jazz added.

"Shut it you two," Ratchet grumbled.

Will blinked, confused. He looked at Abelia, who had a confused look as well. They both turned to the radio.

"What's a sparkmate," Abelia and Will asked in unison, confusion and well as curiosity dancing in their eyes.

"I forgot dat they didn't know. Who wants ta tell," Jazz spoke up, clearly asking his friends if they wanted to explain.

"A sparkmate is what we call our Conjunx Endurae or lifebond partner," Optimus said, "It would be the Cyertronian equivalent of a human wife or husband."

Abelia was imminently intrigued, her attention focused on the radio on the dashboard. Will chuckled at her because he knew it wasn't just her young natural curiosity-fueling her desire to learn, but also her need to learn more about her other half. Plus, he couldn't blame her because he wanted to learn more about his alien friends.

"So you guys have marriages. How does your kind do that," Will asked.

"Marriage would be the closest word to describe it, but it's different for us. When our kind decides to bond, our sparks literally merges with the other. There are different types of bonds, like the sibling bond Amcia Endurae, which is what the bond between me and Abelia is called. Romantic ones are called Conjunx's," Optimus explained.

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