Voice In My Head

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Me: The first couple chapters are probably gonna be a bit similar to the movie. Mikaela Banes and Miles don't exist.

Oh, I'm stopping this right now. Those of you who want more of this story, you got understand that I'm working on 5 other stories and I'm doing them too.

I can't always be on this one. Why did I bring this up? This did on Fanfiction from a reader.

BadBot3879 - Ok when the frag are you going to update!? It's been about a month and still no updates! FRAG, YOU'VE LEFT STORIES UNFINISHED AND HAVN'N BOTHERED TO EXPLAIN WHY YOU LEFT THEM HALF DONE BUT MOSTLY FRAGGED UP?! Please fix it!

To let you, this story had been out for a while, but I had to finish my other stories before I could get to this one, but now I'm on this one.

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers.

Ok, now that's done with, onward to the story.


Thoughts - Talking
Vision or Dream - *Talking*


Space. Nothing to be seen. Endless black. Then...

*Before time began, there was the Cube.*

The voice was barbarian and strong. A huge cube floats past.

*We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them... with life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony. But like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war. A war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube... was lost to the far reaches of space.*

A couple of asteroids are seen moving toward the cube. *We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it, and rebuild our home.*

A small asteroid hits the cube, making it stop in its place. *Searching every star, every world.*

A bigger asteroid hits it... *And just when all hope seemed lost-*

sending it down towards a planet down below it. *Message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called... Earth.*

Everything fades into nothingness. A white light appeared. Before everything turned white, the voice spoke once more.

*But we were already too late.*


Abelia shot right up in her bed, breathing heavily. She brushed back her hair with her hands. "What was that?"

She lifts her hand to move the bangs out of her eyes. "It was a dream, but yet, it felt so..."

Abelia looked out her window. "Real."

Abelia shakes her head and gets out of bed. After getting ready for school, she walks down towards to kitchen and grabs an apple. She heads for the door and was just about to open it when she stopped. She turned and looked around, hoping to spot her parents. They weren't there.

She sighed. "Again, they are not there."

Abelia turns her head to the door and opens it. Walking out the door, she leans against it, tilting her head back to touch the door.

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