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Me: So far, so good.

Do you actually believe that Abelia knows about the Autobots but hasn't seen their true forms yet? Talk about trust.

Let's get into the story.


Vision or Dream - *Talking*
Cybertronian speaking - "Talking"
Comm Link Bot/Con/Human - 'talking'



Bumblebee took this in. Abelia just admitted that she would be in danger now not only from Decepticons but from her own people. From what he gathered, humans can have no mercy to their own kind, much less other species. Which is why Optimus decided to remain hidden from the humans. Plus, involving them in their war is something none of the Autobots want. But now, several humans were involved because of the Decepticons and the human child Bumblebee needs to protect is in danger.

He had to talk to Optimus and the others. He used the radio to tell Abelia that. "Calling base command...Standby to engage."

Abelia nodded, waiting as Bumblebee contacted his friends.

'Optimus, this is Bumblebee. Important news has come up that you need to know.' (Bumblebee)

Only a couple of seconds went by before Optimus answered.

'We are here Bumblebee. What is it?' (Optimus)

Abelia tapped the radio and then pointed to her ear. Bumblebee wondered if something was wrong with her hearing when she did it again, this time gesturing to both her ears. It dawned on him that Abelia was wordless telling him that she wanted to listen to the convention. He opened the link, letting Abelia listen in.

'Sorry, Abelia wanted to listen in.' (Bumblebee)

'What is it youngling?' (Ironhide)

Before Bumblebee could tell them, Abelia placed her hand on the wheel.

"Let me, Bee. I can do a better explanation of it," Abelia looked down at the radio and started telling them what had happened in her vision, "I saw two people named Maggie and Glen. Maggie is an analyst working on the signal Blackout used to hack the base in Qatar. Maggie said that there was only one hacker in the world who could break the code and that was Glen. Glen broke the code and three things came up: Project Iceman, Sector Seven, and Captain Witwicky. However, Maggie wasn't supposed to go to Glen and the Government knew she took the chip that had a copy of the signal. They stormed the house and took in Maggie and Glen. This will happen later today, Maggie is most likely on her way to Glen's now."

'Not only does the Decepticons have her name, but now her Government does. They will be after her now. She's in danger.' (Bumblebee)

'This is alarming. Did you see anything else?' (Optimus)

'Something you saw we might understand.' (Ratchet)

"Besides Sector Seven being some Government branch and having Project Iceman, no," Abelia said.

'How 'bout yo' powers? Anythin' new 'bout 'em?' (Jazz)

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