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Rhys sipped up the last drops of his tea.

The noise of the Dragon Clan defending themselves had disappeared. Now it was quiet. The battle was over.

Rhys had commanded the villagers to let the Protectors of Ninjago leave with the children. After all, they only wanted one child. Taking the bus was simply the easiest means to that end. Under normal circumstances, Rhys wouldn't have needed to borrow anyone from Ninjago. But that boy had something they couldn't find in Okuura.

Had Doctor Kirk not insisted that this trial would lead to success, Rhys would not have agreed to a kidnapping. There was no need to garner the attention of Ninjago. He did not want Ninjago to know The Dragon Clan existed. And he wished for nothing more than for him to lose the knowledge that Ninjago existed as well.

Rhys gazed down at his scrolls scattered on his desk. If only he could interpret the incantation.

He still remembered wrapping his fingers around the ancient scroll for the first time. It was at his inauguration as Chief of Okuura and the Dragon Clan. His appointment to power meant it was now his responsibility to bring his family home. A feat taken up by countless generations of Chiefs before him. A feat that has yet to be achieved. When he held the scroll in his hands, he felt the generational burden press down on his shoulders. Would he lead his people home? Or die a failure like every other Chief of the Dragon Clan.

After years of experiments, Rhys was coming to believe that there was no way home...

He gazed at the three symbols on the scroll: a crystal, a flower, and a tornado. For years his ancestors have been working to decode these symbols. And the only unknown meaning was the tornado. What was the missing ingredient? What was the key?

Rhys rubbed his temples. If Doctor Kirk failed him again, he'd have to send the Dragon Clan into hiding. Forcing them to wait for another generation -at least- to continue their research.

Rhys rose to his feet. He picked up his teacup from the desk. He crossed the room to his kitchen. His modest one-room home was big enough for him. As Chief, the people offered him the biggest house in Okuura. Rhys refused. He wanted to be with his brethren. He was, first and foremost, a citizen of The Dragon Clan. His power was secondary to that fact.

Rhys poured another cup of tea, hoping the aroma would clear his head.

He had to shut down the trials. How was he going to break the news to Doctor Kirk? That man was stubborn. But so was Rhys. The only reason they were able to work together is due to their mutual respect for each other. They both admired the other's passion. They both gave up everything so that they might bring their Clan home.

Suddenly, his home door swung open. Soren burst in. Soren was a young man who showed great potential. Rhys took him under his wing, hoping that Soren would one day be his predecessor as Chief.

Soren paused. He bent over trying to find his breath.

"Chief Moses," he said, between gasps for air. Soren pushed back a few loose strands of his dark hair. He stood upright, becoming taller than Rhys again.

"Brother, what is it?" Rhys said. Soren was usually a stoic man. But he was exuding enthusiasm. Or rather, he was smiling.

"Doctor Kirk had a successful trial!"

"He what?" Rhys dropped his tea. The cup shattered onto the floor.

"The ninja stole the specimen. But it worked!"

Rhys laughed. Instead of cleaning up the tea and ceramic fragments across the floor, Rhys stepped over the mess. He had more important matters to attend to than cleaning. He put his hands on Soren's shoulder.

Lego Ninjago Fanfic: The Dragon ClanWhere stories live. Discover now