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Song: Stubborn Love - The Lumineers

I was so warm, so cosy.
I haven't slept this easy in so long.
The smell of the morning air mixed with ash and a strange lovely scent.
My eyes shot open. I was on top of Henry.

Nuzzled into his chest like some lovesick bimbo.
My body caged in his vice like embrace, his breaths were deep and even. I rose and fell with each intake and exhale. He hadn't even stirred when I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, the thing that woke him was the lack of weight when I succeeded. His face looked as if I'd kicked a puppy.

"Morning girlie."

God I hate that nickname.

"Morning. Get up we've got things to do."

"No breakfast in bed Darling? When did the romance die?" His sarcasm was lost on me it was far too early for messing around.

"I'm being serious I want to get on the move Henry."

"Ten more minutes!" He groaned and rolled over bringing the makeshift duvet over his head, his childish stuck out bottom lip disappeared with him.

I stood and stretched the ache in my muscles away, my mother alway said sleeping on a hard surface was good for your back. I think I'd kill for a mattress right now, even those shitty thin ones the penitentiary had.

Henry still hadn't gotten out of bed when I secured the last pack in one of the higher harder reach pockets of the cave. Concealing them with dirt I grabbed a couple of protein bars and aimed one straight for Henry's stupid head. Gravity gave the snack a good push on its way down, the slap sound it created as it hit his skull echoed off the walls.

"Ouch, that's going to bruise!"

"Just proves your head is hollow."

"Are you calling me stupid?"

"If you have to ask..."

"Fine I'm up! See."

He stood out of the covers throwing his arms wide to prove his point, but it only emphasised his very... big problem... down below. I couldn't help but giggle as he realised what I was looking at, he threw his hands quickly covering his crotch and blushing like crazy. He grunted and flustered around camp, making himself busy and refusing to look at me again.

"Taking to life in the wood, a little too literally Henry?"

"I see what you're doing and you're not funny."

"How's your back this morning? Mines pretty stiff."

"Shut up."

"Geez I don't know about you, but this next hike is going to be pretty hard."

"I'm not afraid of hurting a woman."

Climbing down back to our spot I threw a couple more boner puns at him for good measure, he was not best impressed.


"Once we make it to the next tree we can drop off all these supplies then we're free to make the home stretch."

Henry didn't need me as a crutch anymore he wasn't kidding when he said he was strong, he now carried the lessoned load across his broad shoulders. His arms gripping them tightly and his muscles bulging proudly, he looked stupidly large. He'd tied his coat around his waist and followed me into the forest.

"Don't sweat it girlie, we have all day. I'll be glad when we hit that river."

"Can't stand the smell of your own stench big guy?"

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