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Songs: Killing Spree - Logic, No Feelings - Sex Pistols.

"Well what do we have here boys? Already started the Barbie for us, now that's stella service." A thick Australian accent spat.

"You're not welcome here." Henry's voice took on a lower threatening tone.

"Who fucking asked you cunt? You've been causing the boss a lot of problems. He'll be real happy with us for bringing you back in." The one with the machine gun strapped to his chest smiled, his blackened tombstone teeth or the three he had left all stuck out in opposite directions. His mouth held a gruesome scar from his bottom lip to his chin. Crude healed stitches made him look like something out of a Frankenstein movie.

Four more heavily set men melted out of the dark foliage, shit covered boots kicking the shore pebbles over each other they were fixated on Henry.

I took the opportunity to sink low using the bright fire as cover, I blended into the tree line moving quick and quiet, trying to gain as much ground as possible.

If I could get behind them we had the element of surprise, Henry held his ground they were talking to him, did they know him?

"You're not fucking taking me back. I'd rather die." Henry was practically foaming at the mouth, his stance ready to fight, that's my boy. If he could just keep them busy long enough for me to pick at least two off. Observing them they all had weapons; hunting knives, one had a hammer strapped to his belt, only three of them had guns. The chatty one was the only one carrying a machine gun, unless he had a box stashed somewhere he didn't have a lot of ammo left.

"Fine by us, been waiting to chop you up. Boss doesn't have to know we found you alive." The other guy in a mouldy green parker coat spat.

"Sal was my brother you asshole, skewered and fed to them rotters. I told em you'd made it off into the forrest. Didn't I say Darren? Slimy big fucks like a cockroach just won't die." This greasy black haired guy had to be held back by the others. Guess he won't be too happy to find out it was a girl that killed his brother, he looks the sexist type. Weird to hear boilers have feelings didn't think they cared much about family when they're chopping up people for breakfast.

I've got one good arrow left if I could rip it back out of the bastard at the back I'd take two down maybe rush machine gun Darren from behind slit his throat. I'd have to be lightening quick, trust that Henry would get stuck in too.

"Why don't you say that a little closer shit for brains." That's it Henry piss off the boilers with guns, great idea.

"I'm still owed my cut fucker, I'll carve out an eye out first, then you're getting a fucking pretty new smile." Frankenstein clearly had a grudge.

"Still sore about that one Darren?" Henry mocked him.

What I didn't expect to find hidden in the brush, tied to a stump like a dog on a leash is an emaciated teenager. Half naked, he was covered in filth head to toe, one arm bound to the rope, his other missing or what remained of it was a bloody stump of a shoulder wrapped in grime soaked bandages. They must have captured him and dragged him out here for fucking lunch. My stomach churned at his missing ear, his missing arm they'd hacked off, they eat people in pieces.

Holding up one finger to my lips, he was shaking, his eyes wide with terror, he just nodded. The rope was too thick to clean cut through I'd come back for him. Lining up my shot with the two closest to me I pulled back as far as my string would go, this close range I'd skewer them both.

One breath out and the release of my finger tips sent the arrow whistling through the air. It happened so fast they didn't even register the impact, both joined heart to heart. They stumbled at first gurgling then thudded into the pebbles.

"That's my girl." Henry smirked.

The rest panicked spinning around, pulling their knives out, Henry took his chance and rugby tackled Frankenstein from behind. They crashed to the stones and spray of bullets ripped into the forrest, diving behind a trunk I narrowly missed the round. Blood splattered my face, the poor kid wasn't so lucky littered with holes he slumped over the stump.


Henry grappled with Frankenstein they slung punches into each other too close range for him to use the gun. Both rolling over attempting to get the upper hand they were evenly matched in strength though Henry looked a lot bigger.

I rushed the other one with the hand gun he didn't have time to grip it before I uppercut him with my bow, slicing his face open with the tip. Dipping low and swiping my leg out, taking his from underneath him I put the other on the ground.

I heard the click of the safety and dropped, flat on his back eyes filled with blood he couldn't see shit. Blindly firing he took out his buddy who had just recovered from my surprise attack, he screamed and clutched his torso. Just my luck wounded but not dead... yet.

In one smooth motion I disarmed him and sent the small gun flying into the brush. He desperately wiped the blood from his eyes and stumbled to his feet. Not giving him time to regain his balance I spun kicking him in the temple, cracking the back of his skull with my bow as he went down, I'd finish the job as soon as I dealt with the rest.

The other boiler grabbed me from behind lifting me clear off the ground. I struggled my bow cutting into my forearms, he was trying to suffocate me.

Throwing back my head I broke his nose, he threw me away from him and I hit the ground with a roll. His nose burst like a tomato I always loved that sight. Lightning fast pivoting I sent a spray of dusty pebbles Henrys way. I didn't look back to who was coughing, and went straight back to my assault. Using my bow as a striking blunt tool I got a few rounds in before he smacked me across the jaw, stretching it out I smiled.

"You hit like a bitch." I could taste the blood from biting down on my cheek if this was all he had it would be a walk in the park. I pulled my bow over my head and raised my fists.

"Let's dance dickhead." He truly underestimated my fighting skills just what I wanted.

"I think I'm going to fuck you before we roast you." His bullet wounds were seeping he'd already lost a fair amount of bloods

"You're going to have to kill me first. Let's see if you bleed like your brother?" The look of anger in his face was glorious as he registered what I just said. I spat in his eyes, uppercutting him so hard he bit through his own tongue.


Henry stumbled back on his feet, his fists marred red...dripping. His anger knew no bounds.

The distance gave precious seconds of clarity while the monster gargled on his own blood laughing in Henrys face.

"You piece of piss, never could finish the job could you?"

"I'm not like you."

"Haven't got the balls for it lad?" The bastard lay flat on his back Henry had done enough damage that the boilers face had partially caved in. He sported broken ribs and a punctured lung, bubbles of spittle and blood formed he wouldn't survive much longer.

Henry had dreamed for his chance to get his revenge on the boilers that took his family away, some days it was the only thought that kept him going. Ugly flashbacks blurred his vision, the nightmares Henry was forced to live replayed in succession. Wrists raw from chains, eyes scarred from the horrors witnessed. Escaping them was a small victory, hunting them down one by one sang straight to the darkest parts of his soul.

"You found a wild bitch to fuck too Cavill? What would the Mrs say?" He coughed out clots of blood with the words.

"You don't get to fucking speak her name. I'll rip you apart with my bare hands."

"You think I even asked the whores name before I ruined her? She tasted real good mate... sweet little christian thing."

Henry screamed forward in a rage so blinding a beast was present not a man, he leaped to land on the boiler with force, it happened so fast as the boiler pulled a hunting knife out ready for Henrys weight to impale itself.

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