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Songs: Live Oak - Jason Isbell, Meet Me in the Woods - Lord Huron, Something in the Orange - Zach Bryan.

Time hadn't slowed this sweetly in a lifetime, I was trapped in his bright blue eyes; they beamed beautifully in the fire light. Like a hare caught in a snare I struggled with the restraint.

Muscles twitching, reeling in internal agony, I couldn't move. I couldn't make that first move.

Every fibre of me screamed to run the other way, I had goose flesh not from the cold but from a shiver that seemed to stem from the worst parts of me. I had to break through this, if I can kill a man I can kiss one.

My instincts were at war with my mind, no attachments. That was the rule, don't let anyone in, you never last long they all die on me anyway. So what's the point of loosing the little heart I had left.

The orange fire light did Henry all sorts of favours, lit up in a warm halo he looked like a god given humanity. His wild curls sprung outwards in every direction, his full beard untamed and overgrown; he had accepted the wilderness and it welcomed him right back.

My very own partially naked, a little bit soggy... Hercules.

His face had a funny sort of look to it, he was happy as far as I could tell but afraid? Nervous? Apprehensive? No... He watched me closely noting my confused expressions.

I'd poke a hole in him just for putting me through this silence. What do you even do anymore? We can't exactly go to dave and busters for a date, I haven't even thought about anyone like that since the penitentiary... do I even give a shit about romance? Did I ever give a shit about romance?

"Even now I bet you have something pointy stashed somewhere." He broke the tension letting out a breathy laugh. He removed his hands from mine the absence of his touch nearly stung. Clenching those two shovel sized hands together pressing down on the tops of his thighs, I could sense his withdrawal, like he knew he'd stepped over the line and regretted ever saying anything in the first place.


"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or to assume you would want to, you know, you and me... er I guess what I'm trying to..." He rambled not quite finishing anything he started.

"Shut up."

"Noted. I won't ever try to..." He did that stupid scratching his neck thing which just made his arms look even bigger, the muscle bulging with the movement. God I hate this idiot.

"Henry, Stop."

He looked straight into my eyes his mouth parted and a rosey tint stained his cheeks, he was either on the verge of tears or a very masculine grunt and subject change.

"Just please don't touch me." It came out as barely a whisper. But the weight of my words were like granite. His shoulders slumped and that sparkle in his eyes that was pure anticipation died out.

I moved slow, this had to be on my move. My rabbit heart was beating so fast I felt like I would pass out under the stress.

I'd become so comfortable living with adrenaline and fear where was that thrill now?

Standing in front of him my back pleasantly warming against the fire, he met my pace and turned to face me. His breathing slowed his chest moved deep and even, his face remained clean of expression almost as if anything he said or did would send me running for the trees.

Tentatively taking two steps forward I stood between his legs, from his seated position his head was level with my breasts. Ever the southern gentleman he kept my gaze internally fighting the urge to take this all in.

I knew he knew. I don't know how but he knows.

I placed each hand on either side of his face, he was stifling hot almost at fever temperature. He was a tad too close to the fire I guess.

His corse facial hair tickled my palms, the beads of sweat trickling down his temples dampened my fingers. I concentrated on holding this contact, it didn't make me want to be sick so that was a positive.

"Just... let me." I couldn't muster the courage to get the words out, a vice had its clutches on my insides.

"I won't move, it's your decision." His lips graciously curved around the words, patient and soothing it sounded like poetry.

"Promise?" I searched his face for a glimpse of dishonesty, trust was a weakness. Especially now, when I was defenceless.

"Promise pipsqueak."

"That fucking smirk."

I dove forward our lips crashed together, if I leaned in all slow I just knew I wouldn't go through with it.

I pounced.

I chose this.

I was the one to set the pace.

I was in control.

It was closed mouth at first his blazing lips following my lead. He built up the courage to gently nibble my bottom lip, with a shaky breath and a hesitant heart I opened up.

He tasted divine, the river water stained his skin and fire smoke resting in his hair sent my senses to rest.

He smelt like the woods, like home.

His gentle approach remained, as I deepened the kiss earning a groan from Henry, the rumble sent my stomach a burst with flutters.

A deep surging need began to surface.

A dormant feeling I thought I'd never desire reared its head.

It was as if I melted into his frame, he'd kept his promise his hands remained on his knees, our bodies met with a natural blend. I for once stood over him, tilting his head back for better access the motion generated a sigh, my hands travelled to the still damp curls at the base of his neck. Another moan followed as my nails scraped his scalp, I cradled his head with care resisting the temptation to pull on his hair.

My mind cleared the usual defences began to crumble, all I could concentrate on was this feeling of pure intimacy.

The forrest sounded so still and peaceful, until it wasn't.

Just like that someone pressed the fast forward button and I snapped into action. Tearing away from Henry sent a sharp pang of pain straight through my chest. Tenderness destroyed my familiar survival instincts kicked in.

I snatched and nocked my bow. Arrowhead steady, breathing slow and even, scanning the tree line for the source.

His face was painted with panic he knew we weren't alone he'd heard them too.


Her lips were cold, her hands felt so small on my face but I hadn't felt this alive since... since.

A snap of a branch under a heavy boot.

The clicking sound of a pulled back bolt.

The impact of a discarded belt on wet ground.

They were quick to reload.

Locked in and ready to fire.

A sound I'd heard a thousand times before, my blood turned cold, my heart raced that noise we couldn't fight with a bow and arrow. They'd found me.

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