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Song: Always Forever - Cults

I never get tired of the feeling.

Out of all the horror stories, lies, and monsters this world has in it... I still have this.
The one thing left that's untouched, untarnished, unburdened.
It's the one thing left, that is completely mine.
Like I'm finally free.
From all of it.
A weightless few seconds where nothing matters but this feeling.
Where I'm alone, unlimited and powerful.

Only this time. I'm not alone.


I couldn't look at the sky. Not when she looked like that.
It was as if time slowed.
I couldn't focus on my surroundings when her smile lit up the forest.
She was so relaxed.
That signature scowl stripped from her face replaced by pure bliss.
Euphoria painted her features.
I'd almost forgotten what it looked like on a person.

The small curly hairs framing her face fluttered in the wind, the sun made them glow golden.
She was a goddess pulled from a painting.
A work of art.

I didn't register our feet landing on solid wood.
I didn't look away from those ocean eyes.
She noticed.
Dumbstruck speechless.
What could I say that wouldn't ruin this moment.
So I just looked.


Unwrapping myself from Henry was an awkward task, I expected him to scream like a girl or at least freak out when we landed. But he just stood there silent.
He didn't say one word.

"Um so I'm going to go back down and pull the packs up. I'll be quicker on my own. Just stay here and I'll be back."

He nodded and looked at his feet, was he about to cry? I know the first jump is scary but he looked heart broken...

Grabbing the rope not bothering to leash myself to it this time, I swung across hooked the line on the groove I'd carved and repelled down to the forest floor. Our packs lay untouched against the base of the tree, I couldn't carry all the weight in one go so I took two at a time up and swung them across to Henry. He had sat against the trunk and watched me with a strange look on his face, like he was studying a deer from a hunters hideout. It wasn't an angry expression or an overall interested one, I couldn't put my finger on it.
It made me uneasy.
Did he hate me for jumping like that?

"That's the last of em." I dumped the heavy pack onto the pile it made a whoosh noise like it had announced how exhausted I was. Still nothing from Henry, he nodded and stood up, walking towards me he just waited for the next instruction.

"What's going on with you? Did I scar you for life Jane?" I made an uncomfortable nervous laugh before I could stop myself.

"No... er... I."

"You're telling me I've rendered Mr. Chatty speechless?" I gave him my best smirk knowing how it riles him up.

"Yeah. That was... something."

"Good something? Or bad something?"

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." His cheeks blushed the colouring fighting through the layers of dirt.

"Well now you've got your big girl pants on, you can help me with making food and unpacking most of this stuff."
He smiled, that's a good sign.

"I'll follow your lead." He cleared his throat grabbing the largest pack.

The twisting knitted branches and vines made this hide out a fortress, it was my main hideaway down this part of the country. Completely concealed from danger yet served as a watch tower for anyone that strayed too close.

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