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Song: Panic Room - AU/RA CamelPhat

Again, we were nauseatingly high up in the canopy and she still didn't stop going up. The view up was not so bad, her perky butt was better than staring at the spinning ground.

"How much farther?"

"Not much, come up to me."

I reached for the next chunky vine and my foot slipped from its perch. I panicked and quickly grabbed the next one which ripped free from the trunk. Desperately I scrambled for another hold, finding it a few feet from where I slipped.

"Are you quite done faffing around?"

"Are you kidding I almost died!"

"No you wouldn't have. Your calf is tangled." She pointed flatly.

Sure enough looking down my left leg had lodged itself behind the web of vines. Why did she always have to be right? She moved a smaller branch out of the way and began pulling a braided vine out of the nook it was hidden in.

"Please tell me we're not doing a Tarzan?!"

"Time too see what you're made of Henry." Her smirk was a challenge and it unnerved me.

"I can't do that, how long has that vine been hidden? It won't hold my weight." Spluttering excuses there must be another way to go.

"Look. I braided it myself over some thick rope it's not going to snap the vine is just to hide the colour of the rope. Can't have anyone discovering this tree, so I'm trusting you to haul your ass up here and swing like you don't want to die."

"Where are we even swinging to? There's nothing that close!"

"It's tied to a thick branch high above, nearly as thick as this trunk it won't snap I promise. Come up here and watch what I do."

"How do I know that you're not lying?"

"Have I given you any reason to doubt me?"

"I mean various weapons have been pointed at me."

"And did you deserve them?"


"You tried to attack me." Her eyes squinted as if sensing my attitude.

"You had an arrow in my face!"

"Point taken."
She is so at ease up here, it's a foreign world to me. Everything about this is out of my comfort zone.

"Just shut your mouth and get up here" she was done joking around.

My fingers were already aching, my grip strength wasn't used to holding my body weight on such a little perch. There wasn't much space for both of us to fit in the same place, my feet balancing on the same thick vine as hers, we were pressed together.
Her back against my chest.
She was much smaller than me, her head coming up to my sternum.
I could feel the sweat dripping down my spine, the rough bark and climber itching my skin through my t shirt.
Heat prickled my neck, glancing down was a vile idea.
Black spots were invading my vision, I was sweating like I was going to be sick, dizziness took me and my face probably blanched judging by the way she was looking at me.

"I can't do this."

"Getting vertigo?"

"I'm dizzy and I feel like I'm going to throw up."

"Look up at the sky. Breathe. Deep breaths in and out. Find the sky."

Her voice grounded me, I can't even tell what words she's saying, I just listened to her light quiet lovely hum.
She uncurled my fingers, their tight nervous grip sweaty and awkward. She wrapped my arms around her waist, placing the rough rope in my hands.
Her hair swished up as a strong breeze rustled the forest, the smell of pine and wet moss cleared my head. My eyes still exploring the canopy, the sun bursting through the gaps sending strong golden rays down only to be eaten by the dense tree line. Never quite reaching the floor, the floor, oh god don't think of the ground.
I watched the movement of the trees, strong and solid yet their tops swayed as the wind passed through their boughs. Entranced with their gentle sway it was hypnotic, it brought my concentration off our height and begged me to dance along with them.

"I want you to keep looking up. Do you trust me big guy?"

"That's a big question."

I could feel her as she lent forward binding my legs with vines. I didn't want to know what she was doing. Did I trust her?

"You're not going to just push me are you short stuff?"

"Although a tempting idea you have become quite useful."

"Is that a genuine compliment? I feel honoured."

"They don't come out often."

I can feel her twisting and shifting against me, I'm glad she can't see my upturned face I could feel the heat in my cheeks. Her body met mine surprisingly well, the soft movements distracted my thoughts from the canopy and my imagination began to bloom. She gently wrapped thick vines loosely around me. Like she could sense my curiosity she placed a pointed finger underneath the tip of my chin.

"Find the sky."

"Yes ma'am."

She yanked and pulled until we were tightly pressed up against one another, the weight of the vines felt like a noose. My eyes still on the sky they began to water, is this the part where I wish I still believe in god?

"Grip tight, don't tense too much you've got a foot knot to catch you. Think of it as a giant rope swing! Every farm has one right?"

"Not ours."

"Now you only get the training wheels once chump. Tonight you'll swing all on your own."

"I can't even look at what you're doing without passing out. How is that going to happen?!"

"Because I know it seems scary right now. But once you feel like you're flying... I don't think I'll be able to stop you from trying."

"Do you trust me?"

"Well if I fall you're coming down with me short stuff." The realisation aloud, I thought would give me comfort. I only made matters worse. Falling. What a horrible way to die.

"I never fall." Her little rough hands felt so sure tugging at the rope, my stomach flipped seven different ways.

Then we jumped.

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