17 2 0

Songs: Numb little bug - Em beihold, One of These Nights - The Eagles

Henrys war cry ripped through me like a shockwave, dropping my guard and for my effort receiving a jab to the forehead by this fuck nut.

That's when I saw the glint of steel, the firelight lit it up with a sinister come hither wink. I don't think I've ever reacted so fast in my life; not to the boilers, not to the rotters, not even to the fucking fighting pits. But as if he moved through the air in slow motion, I sped forward in time. Running for his life, feet barely meeting the ground but when they did the soles shook with the impact. Sending pebbles dramatically rocketing into the darkness.

Just jump with no fear. Like you always do. It's worth it this time.


Something small and very solid smashed into my ribs, the impact crushed the air from my lungs and the sense from my head. The waiting blade bellow shifted to the right the bloody mess of a monster went with it, we both landed hard in the shale, grunts and scraping noises filtered through the piercing ring of violent haze. Her dirty torn up face glared at me through dust covered half damp hair, furious. Beautiful.

The sight of her hurt didn't pull at my heartstrings it sent fire through my soul and desire straight to my balls. She was vicious and could handle fucking anything you threw at her, the nasty little woman brought me back to reality. I'm pretty sure she's cracked a rib but she sure as hell saved my life... again. I should start a tally.

"Fucking rookie." She spat out blood onto the rocks and pulled herself together rubbing the rest on the back of her hand.

A gurgled laughter came pouring out of the sack of shit drowning in his own blood.

"Raised by wolves or something bitch?"

She ripped the hunting knife from his weakening hands and threw it without even looking, her eyes trained on the mess I made. The blade found its mark in the skull of the other boiler she'd been knocking around, mid charge he fell forward landing parallel to Darren. It only made him laugh more.

"You in the market for a tribe girlie? Boss would love a feisty fuck like you."


"Shut the fuck up crocodile dundee." I gripped the cunt by the hair yanked the knife out of his buddies forehead and drove it home to the hilt. Slicing through his tongue filling his filthy mouth straight out the back of his skull. Feeling the earth grind through the bade cooled my temper, the river had increased in noise like it too raged at the events happening on its banks.

"You good there Henry?"

He was lit up with anger face screwed up, covered in a mix of his own and boiler blood, so much for bathing.

"It should of been me."

"I'm not letting you get stuck on a fucking wall mart hunting knife. If anyone gets to stick you it's going to be me." My tone had lost all it's patience, this was the most fucking action I'd had in ages and it's all since Henry turned up.

"I should of killed that motherfucker."

"Don't get pissy with me for stealing the notch on your belt, you want to claim a kill? Be quicker next time big guy." He didn't like that one... he took a step back with the flippant comment.

"You're proud of that?" He almost spluttered it out.

"Damn straight, boilers aren't human they don't deserve to fucking breathe. Now help me throw their asses into the current and throw some water over this mess."

He didn't say anything when we grunted along getting rid of the bodies, he didn't look me in the eye either. I picked through their pockets and bags taking anything we could use, I was right about the ammo they had their last loaded into the weapons which were all spent in our fight.

"Wash off in the river again we're getting the fuck out of here." I ordered him around if he was going to be in a strop he better not slow me down. He threw the machine gun down with force...fucking toddler. We wouldn't take it with us, the chance of finding bullets for that thing would be stupidly slim.

I made myself useful and packed our stuff, removing the wood from the fire and poking the ashes trying to kill it out without causing too much smoke. We'd leave it burning, it was far away enough from the trees not to cause any damage, and if there were more boilers around throwing water on it would be a sure fire way they'd find us.

Henry let out a frustrated scream, I snapped my head around thinking he'd seen another bad luck visitor but he was just raging waist deep at the water. Throwing punches at the surface like he could fuck with the world and it not fight back. Splashing and screaming making a spectacle of his anger it pissed me off honestly. He wasn't the one that had to kill off all five boilers to save our asses, I don't know what that Aussie cunt had said to him but it couldn't of been anything good. If they did know each other he would have gotten under Henrys skin, it didn't take much.

Henry had far too much heart left for this world to eat away at.

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