14 2 0

Songs: Busted - The Black Keys, Blow Your Mind - The Vaccines

"No sudden movements Princess." I could see the fear in Henrys eyes, his skin blanched white, his eyes fixed, his pupils dilated. I didn't need to turn to know what was behind me, their putrid smell had already soured the air. Death was a shitty cologne.

"Let me down Henry. Slowly." I kept my voice just above a whisper, he didn't let a sound out still transfixed on the rotten bag of flesh. His grip robotically let me go, his chest rising rapidly I could almost hear his heartbeat.

I could feel every grain of dirt and pine needle under my boot grinding together with my rubber grip, keeping my breathing even, unsheathing my black gutter from my sleeve, I clenched it ready to claw our way out of this. I'd stashed our packs and more importantly my bow in the bushes a few feet from the tree. Problem being I had a wall of rotting flesh in-between me and my baby.

"Aren't you a big bastard?" Towering at least six five, some lumber jack looking mother fucker with no bottom jaw groaned and swayed. He wore an orange puffer jacket covered in mould and rips, the stuffing stained with blood and god knows what; dangled unevenly along his torso. No luck in using my little gutter on his midsection, it would take time to get to his heart through his coat anyway. If you could remove their heart it immobilised them, didn't kill them but at least they'd be rooted to the spot.

"And you brought your buddies... great." The two little ones emerged from behind the behemoth. They sniffed in our direction, they were in a sorry state of decomposition, you could see ones lungs partially inflate, they were every shade of purple and green. Black gunk oozed from their open wounds, one male the other a little red head girl, she could've been all of thirteen when she turned. Both of them were missing large chunks of their scalps, tufts of matted hair sprung out like some shitty clown sideshow.

All three of them were dressed in scraps of heavy winter hiking gear, no doubt survivalists that took to the mountains thinking they could battle the elements rather than the horde next door.

I've come across a few wayward walkers in the National parks; campers caught out in their tents, climbers bitten halfway up a face, boy scouts locked in cabins, even shot a rotten ranger once.

Three night walkers in broad daylight. This was a rare sight for this far in the woods, I thought I'd cleared the last stragglers out. They must have been walking for miles.

At least it meant they were less of a handful. Fuck knows what the sunlight does to the rotters but even the hordes in the cities are slower in the day. It still doesn't make them any less dangerous one drop of blood and it's an instant frenzy. It's not like I've taken a study on the smelly cunts but I picked up a few tips on how they operate. They were strong didn't matter the size, it's like whatever infected them gave them super human strength, they were fast too... but I was faster.

Main point to remember always go for the head.

"There's a bowie knife and some brass knuckles strapped to my right calve. Get them now."

Henry clumsy retrieved both items, the buttons on the straps clicking made the rotters twitch towards the noise, they were at least four or five strides away. We were in a bit of luck the two little ones sported empty eye sockets, and big boy only had one clouded milky white eye which quickly dotted around attempting to aid his nose.

"They're blind, keep quiet and for fuck sake don't cut yourself."

"Why aren't they attacking?"

"Because they don't know we're here. They can smell us, thank your lucky stars I gave you mint to shower with."

"We're still attached."

Without taking my sight off our new guests I reached behind me grabbing Henrys crotch if I'm honest that's a skill right there. I felt him jolt but he didn't make a sound, I felt my way to the loops and buckles making light work of undoing them. I felt him release his breath once the harness was detached from the line.

"On my move..."

"You're still attached?!"

"I know."

"But." I cut off his whining. In hushed tones I gave him orders.

"Henry you got the two little ones. I'll take big foot. I'm going left, you circle right take the kid out first."



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