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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains content of sexual assault and rape. 

"You can fight all you want girlie, they won't even hear that filthy mouth scream my name." His breath like tobacco, his hands too tight, the barrel forced so hard against my chin.

"I'll fucking kill you."

"Daddy isn't here to save you this time, I know you want it and you're going to fucking like it."


I saw the fear leak into those pretty blue eyes, like an animal cornered she sank somewhere I couldn't reach. I raised my hands up as soon as I felt the thick gutter knife pressed against my throat. She was a lethal blur.

She teetered on the edge of throwing her body weight into the blade, too hard, she held the weapon firm. The warmth of my blood slowly pooled at the tip, so precise one flick and she'd slice right through the main artery. She gritted her teeth; so far inside that head of hers, fighting demons she couldn't get her hands around, tears streamed and she let out a pained growl. I dared not breathe wrong.

Her arms shook, her broken sobs crackled and bounced off the cave walls.

Her breathing erratic on the edge of a panic attack, I'd never seen her so vulnerable. She was deadly even when she was broken. Still she held firm.

"Why?" She barked.


"Why did... did you." Her words fell with spittle and so much anger she couldn't piece a sentence together.

"Put the knife down Tink. Please." My voice was a whisper, she bore into me with such hatred.

"I'm sorry. Please Tink. You're hurting me." I swallowed the movement of my adams apple scraped the knife making me wince.

Her wild eyes flickered to my bleeding throat and it was like the world came caving in on her, she shook so violently the blade clanged on the stone floor. As quick as she had held me at knife point she bolted towards the cave entrance. I was left breathless and confused.

It was too much, I was a fucking idiot.

Whoever had hurt her was already dead I'd deduced that much. My blood boiled for her. Whoever they had been deserved to rot in hell.

I knew enough not to chase after a wounded predator, she would return when she was ready.


My lungs burned, my legs moved so fast I didn't feel the ground rip my feet to shreds, I needed more air. I couldn't breathe then and I can't now. My heart pounded in my ears, it rattled against my ribs. The dark hole inside me swallowed me further.

The memories sliced into my vision, the sweet smell of sweat, the bitter burn of gun power, tastes of tobacco and blood.

He called me names while he defiled me. Sweet pretty names. Even when I bit his fingers off. He carried on. Blood filled my mouth fighting for air as he crushed my mouth and nose shut. Fighting off the black dots in my vision. He was so rough, I hurt everywhere. I could still feel him inside me after all this time. I'd never forget that face as he stepped back to see what he'd accomplished. I felt it warm dripping down my legs mixing with the blood on the floor.

"So fucking beautiful when your mouth is shut."

I screamed so loud the trees trembled. I screeched until the valley echoed my pain right back at me. I wailed until my throat was raw.


The first scream had me hauling ass straight for her, if I was running towards another knife so be it. It was worth it to see if she was alive. It was so much worse than pain, sorrow didn't cut it either, the sound that ripped from that tiny body of hers was something of nightmares.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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