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Songs: Muddy Waters - LP, I'm Scared - Duffy, Hot Gates - Mumford and Sons.

This big brute of a man had been turned into a fumbling wreck with the thought of seeing me naked I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or be so offended I should stab him. His shoulders tensed, he clenched his hands at his sides.

Henry's shoulders should be carved into marble and placed on a pedestal in a museum, his well built back twitched and pulled as he had reached above his head tearing his t-shirt away. Flakes of mud and moss crumbled off in sheets as the material stretched, even covered in grime those defined muscles peaked and troughs.

And my god the ass does have an ass, that could be a new biological weapon.

I didn't know how to answer his stupid question, what if he did like what he saw?

Would he act on it? I'm not ready for that.

I'd definitely stab him then.

He was on the edge of telling me something I could sense it, as soon as he turned around his guilt ridden eyes locked on to mine refusing to focus anywhere else. His chest rose in uneven breaths and I could see panic in his eyes.

"Am I that scary?" I kept my voice hushed, why did I care what he thought of me? Had I gone so long without interaction I gave off nothing but anger?

He gave a soft smile and glanced to his feet.

"I think I'm just scared? Isn't that pathetic."

"Not really" I kept my voice above a whisper, I don't really know what I feel anymore everything is so simple when you just focus on surviving on your own. But talking to someone, letting someone in, that terrified me.

"I'm scared all the time." His eyes met mine as soon as the words left my mouth, it felt so foreign being open with someone, with Henry. To acknowledge my fears out loud, to a real human. I'd spent so long thinking to myself and talking to the forest, sometimes I wouldn't talk at all for days, to the point I'd forget what my voice actually sounded like.

His features softened, his shoulders relaxed, his lips parted, I wish I could read his mind whatever he was thinking it was clear he struggled in forming the words. So he just closed his mouth and didn't say anything. The sky erupted with red lightning, violent tendrils flooded from the clouds the hellish forks reached towards the earth as if to snatch us away. If the devil was real he was in charge of the sky tonight, the rolling thunder boomed reverberating in my chest. The atmosphere was charged, a shiver ran down my spine, Henry was transfixed heavenward. His jawline savagely lit up with each lightning strike, his thick throat sported a bobbing adams apple, the raindrops came down faster leaving their marks on his dirt covered chest.

Breaking myself from my trance I bent to retrieve the natural soap I'd made from raw materials, its scent was pine. I lived in a tree why not smell like one. I snatched an identical one for Henry, it's just a shower, I don't care.


She placed a bar of soap in my hand, the contact startled me and took my attention from the storm. Her small frame was exposed in the red tinged light, she didn't make eye contact as I refocused only on her face.

She leaned to the chain that hung from the mining tray, as soon as she tugged at it, a steady waterfall poured hitting the floorboards with a calming thudding noise. The lukewarm water splashed my feet as the rain became thick, bouncing off anything it came in contact with. She was right... as always, the sound of the droplets hitting the forrest was like an orchestra, the canopy sang at the assault.

She slowly backed up and under the trays torrent, the water first hitting her taught shoulders bowing her head down she closed her eyes. I wonder if this is the first time she's trusted anyone to be this close to her in such a vulnerable state?

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