Telling them

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

We all walked into the school. Jesse went in first then me behind him and everyone else surrounding us. Everyone was staring at us. I walked next to Jesse and walked in with confidence, not shy like last time.

Jesse- Not gonna ask why are they staring, like last time?

(Y/N)- No. I have more confidence now. Plus, I'd be staring if I were them. You're hot and I'm hot. We're the best fucking couple in the school. Not to mention our awesome group we have going on here.

Jesse- Ok... yeah. You didn't change like too much, right? You're not acting like you.

We get to my locker.

(Y/N)- Jesse. I'm fine, I didn't change. I'm still me. I just really got my confidence up. I'm feeling better than I ever have. I feel good. Alright?

Jesse- Ok...

(Y/N)- I can stop if you want.

Jesse- No, don't stop. It's hot, I like it.

He pulls me closer by my hips.

(Y/N)- Eep!

I giggle. He kisses me and I kiss back.

Jesse- Love your outfit by the way.

(Y/N)- Thanks. What do I do about Erika, Rory, Sarah, Benny, and Ethan?

Jesse- Do you want them to know?

(Y/N)- I don't know.... what do you think? Should they know?

Jesse- They're gonna find out eventually. It's just a matter of if you want them to know from you or find out for themselves.

(Y/N)- They'll be mad at me I think if I don't tell them myself. I'll have Ethan touch my arm. So that I don't have to say it out loud.

Jesse- Ok. When?

(Y/N)- Now... they're all coming over here. Can you all go lean against the lockers over there. Just watch me, please.

They all nod. Then go over and lean on the lockers, watching me.

Sarah- Hey (Y/N)...

(Y/N)- Hey. It's good you're all here. I wanted to tell you all something.

Erika- What is it?

(Y/N)- Ethan...

Ethan- Yeah...

I grab his arm. He goes into this weird trance for a second.

Ethan- You're....

(Y/N)- Yeah.

Sarah, Erika- What?! *Whisper*

Sarah- Jesse... *Whisper*

(Y/N)- Yes, I know what you're thinking. It wasn't just random there was a reason and...

Sarah was glaring at Jesse and the rest of the guys.

(Y/N)- And you're not listening to me... Sarah!

Sarah looks at me.

Sarah- Are you full or just part...

(Y/N)- Full.

They go back to glaring at Jesse.

(Y/N)- Ok...

I go back over to Jesse with my stuff that I needed out of my locker.

(Y/N)- Well... that went as expected. All they got out of that conversation was I'm a full... uh you know and that you did it. They didn't listen to anything else. I'm sorry.

Jesse- It's ok. I didn't expect them to.

(Y/N)- Ok, I'm gonna calm down in the bathroom before class. Make sure I'm good.

Jesse- Ok.

I kiss him real quick then go off to the bathroom to make sure I am calm and ready for class.

My babysitter's a vampire Jesse 💝Where stories live. Discover now