New Friends, Maybe

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

               -----Next morning------

Sarah- So, what you guys up to?

Benny- Not much.

Ethan- A girl came and talked to us yesterday.

Sarah- Uh huh. What was her name?

Sarah puts her hands on her hips.

Benny- (Y/N).

Sarah- Oh... and where is she?

Erika- Hey Sarah. What's up?

Sarah- They say a girl named (Y/N) came up to them yesterday and talked to them.

Erika- I'll believe it when I see it.

Rory- I saw it. She's really pretty. Even prettier than you.

Erika- Ok, now I just don't believe it at all.

(Y/N)- Hey, Ethan, Benny, Rory what you guys talking about?

Ethan- Nothin.

(Y/N)- Oh, hey. I'm (Y/N). You are?

Sarah- Uh, Sarah.

Erika- And Erika.

(Y/N)- See ya.

Erika- *Rrr.*

Rory starts floating and Erika hisses at (Y/N). Ethan pulls Rory back down.

Sarah- Rory, Erika, get your vamp side in check.

Erika- "Prettier than me".... How can she be prettier than me. Ugh. Maybe she's not human. Hey. Hey, Ethan use your seeing power thing and see if she's human.

Ethan- Fine.

Erika- Thank you.


(Y/N)- Lexi?

Lexi- Oh, over here!

I go over and sit with her.

(Y/N)- So, tommorow is Dusk!

Lexi- Do you have it?

(Y/N)- Yes, here are the contacts, teeth, and blood. You're welcome.

Lexi- Thank you soooooo much!

Benny- Hey. Can we sit with you?

(Y/N)- Sure.

Ethan sat next to me and Lexi sat on my other side. Erika sat across from me next to her was Rory. Then Benny and Sarah.

(Y/N)- Lexi, this is Sarah, Erika, Benny, Rory, and Ethan.

Sarah,Erika,Benny,Rory,Ethan- Hey.

Lexi- Hey. Like she said, I'm Lexi.

Sarah- So, are you guys all friends now?

(Y/N)- Hmm, maybe.

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