The Touch

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V


Sarah- So, are you guys all friends now?

(Y/N)- Hmm, maybe.

Benny- I'll take that.

Lexi- We were just talking about how Dusk is coming to town.

Erika- You two like Dusk?

Lexi,(Y/N)- Yeah.

Erika- I do too!

(Y/N)- I just bought teeth, contacts, and blood. For Lexi.

Erika- Why just for Lexi? Why didn't you get one for yourself too?

(Y/N)- I didn't want them.

Erika- Hmm ok.

Lexi- Are you going to meet him? (Y/N) and I are.

Erika- Maybe.... probably.

(Y/N)- Cool, maybe we'll see you there.

Sarah- Uh huh.

Lexi- You might go too? Awesome!

(Y/N)- Alright, you guys can keep talking. I'm gonna go get a water I'm thirsty.

Lexi- Hey, now that I think about it... Did you eat anything yet?

(Y/N)- No, I'm not hungry.

Erika- Hmm.

I get up and get a cup of water. Then I turn around to walk back to the table when someone bumps into me making me spill my water on my shirt.

(Y/N)- Ugh!

The guy just smirks at me.

(Y/N)- Jerk.

I push past him. He whispers to his friend.

Jesse- Hmm, feisty. *Whispers*

I sit back down at the table and look back at him with a glare.

(Y/N)- Who is that guy?

Sarah- That's Jesse and his group of friends. He can be a jerk, and I would know. He's my ex.

Erika- And mine.


(Y/N)- Well, that's lunch. I gotta go. See ya.

I stand up and start to walk off.

Erika- Ethan. Seeing thing. *Whisper*

Ethan- Right, sorry. *Whisper*

Erika- Go. *Whisper*

Ethan- (Y/N)! Wait...

I turn around.

(Y/N)- Yeah?

Ethan puts his hand on my shoulder.

Ethan sees a figure of a person and flashes of (Y/N).

(Y/N)- Ummm, are you ok?

Ethan- Uh yeah, have a good day.

(Y/N)- Uh, thanks. You too.

I walk away.

Lexi- I'm gonna go too. Bye.

Lexi walks away and Ethan comes back to Erika, Sarah, Rory, And Benny.

Erika- What'd you get?

Ethan- Uh, I don't know. Just flashes of her and a black figure but it was going to fast to see anything.

Erika- So, she is something? I knew she couldn't be prettier than me unless she was something.

Ethan- I don't know. I don't think she's anything.

Sarah- It's fine Erika. She's not anything supernatural.

Erika- Then how did Ethan get a vision? Huh?

Ethan- I don't know....

Erika looks at Ethan.

Ethan- You want me to try again don't you?

Erika- Yes.

Ethan- Fine.

My babysitter's a vampire Jesse 💝Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt