Walking together

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*Apologizes I haven't been writing. Been busy but I am back!*

It's been weird not sleeping. I can't really do anything during the night to keep myself busy besides playing on my phone or computer. I have to at least pretend that I'm asleep because well, I'm human, to them. Finally my alarm goes off for me to get ready for school. So I take a quick shower, brush put my hair, put on clothes, get my books and things in my bag, then go downstairs to head out the door for school.

(Y/N)- Bye mom! Love you! See you later!

Mom- Wait, breakfast before school!

My mom comes around the corner as I'm at the door.

(Y/N)- It's ok mom. I'm not really hungry, bye.

Mom- But... Ok. Bye.

I was out the door and walking to school. Maybe I should go see Jesse. We can walk to school together. I don't see him around. So I speed over to his house.

(Y/N)- Babe, have you left yet or are you still here?

Jesse- Babe?

(Y/N)- Hi

I smile.

Jesse- Hey, I was just about to leave. Is something wrong?

(Y/N)- No, I'm ok. I just came over so that we could walk to school together.

Jesse- I'm glad everything is ok. Anyways, we should get going.

(Y/N)- Yeah, let's go.

We both start walking towards school together.

Jesse- Are you ready for school?

(Y/N)- It's school, so I don't particularly want to go but I'm ready. You?

Jesse- Same.

(Y/N)- Remember we are asking Erika, Sarah, Benny, Ethan, and Rory if they want to hang out after school at your place.

Jesse- Yes. We're both asking them right?

(Y/N)- That was my plan. So yeah...

I smile.

(Y/N)- I'm hoping that it will be easy. I have a feeling it's not going to be though.

Jesse- I have the same exact feeling.

We got to the school.

(Y/N)- Come on.

I put out my hand.

Jesse- What?

(Y/N)- I want to hold hands. Unless you don't want to.

Jesse- Mmm... No, I don't want to hold hands.

(Y/N)- Oh, ok...

Jesse- I want my arm around your shoulders or waist so that you're closer to me.

I blush and smile.

(Y/N)- O,ok. I'm good with that.

Jesse- Cutie.

Jesse puts his arm around my shoulders. Then we get ready to walk into school.

Jesse- Let's go.

My babysitter's a vampire Jesse 💝Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora