Science Experiment

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Teacher- We are doing science experiments. So, partner up.

Jesse looks at me.

Jesse- Wanna partner up with me?

(Y/N)- Yeah.

Ethan- Hey, (Y/N). Wanna partner up?

(Y/N)- Sorry Ethan. I already have Jesse as my partner. Maybe next time.

Ethan- Ok.

Ethan walks away to find a partner.

Ethan's P.O.V

Erika and Sarah are going to kill me.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Teacher- The science experiment is that we are growing sugar crystals. I am giving each of you a peice of paper that has instructions on it. It should take a few days but in the end you can eat your experiment if you'd like. Good luck and have fun.

Rock Candy Materials

3 cups sugar (sucrose)

1 cup boiling water

food coloring (optional)

flavoring (optional — good choices include cherry, peppermint, and cinnamon)

clean glass or plastic jar

wooden skewer or cotton string

How to Grow Sugar Crystals

Dissolve the sugar in the boiling water. You can heat the sugar solution on the stove or in the microwave if you have trouble getting the sugar to dissolve.

Add a few drops of food coloring and flavor, if desired.

Allow the solution to cool a bit before pouring it into your jar. You don’t want to get burned!

Pour the sugar solution into a jar. Place a wooden skewer into the jar or hang a string into the middle of the jar, tied to a pencil or butter knife.

Place the container somewhere it won’t be disturbed. You may wish to cover the jar with a paper towel or coffee filter to allow evaporation while keeping the crystal solution clean.

It may take a few days to get good crystal growth. If you see crystals forming on the top of the jar, you can remove them and eat them. If you leave them, these crystals will compete with your stick or string for sugar and will reduce the size of your crystals.

Remove the crystals and enjoy them! If you want to store the crystals before eating them, keep them in an airtight container so humidity in the air won’t make the rock candy sticky.

(Y/N)- Do we have everything here?

Teacher- No, this experiment starts tommorow. Today, talk about what you are gonna do, how you are gonna do it and what you need to bring from home to do the experiment correctly.

(Y/N)- Ok.

Jesse and I talked all period after we figured out what we were doing. Then the bell rang and we walked out of class.

Jesse- Hey, here's my number. Call or text me sometime.

(Y/N)- Ok. I'll text you mine.

Ethan- (Y/N), so you and Jesse are boyfriend and girlfriend now?

(Y/N)- No. That's a big rumor going on in the school. Just because he did something nice for me doesn't mean that he's my boyfriend. If he's my boyfriend, I'd tell you guys. Now I'm going home and getting stuff ready for my experiment. Bye.

Ethan- Sorry. Bye.

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