Monday *part 2*

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As normal Jesse and (Y/N) walked into school with Jesse's arm wrapped protectively over her shoulders. (Y/N) went to go to her locker but Jesse grabbed her hand before she could walk away.

Jesse- With me this time.

(Y/N)- Uh ok.

Jesse took (Y/N) over to his lockers.

(Y/N)- Why are we here?

Jesse- Just because. I wanna spend time with you before you have to go to class.

(Y/N) hugs Jesse and he hugs back. She then hears a noise.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Oh no, I forgot about Chaz for a second. I turn around.

(Y/N)- Chaz.

Chaz- Hello sweetheart.

(Y/N)- The only person who can call me that is my boyfriend.

Jesse- Are we really gonna do this again Chaz?

Chaz- I want payback for embarrassing me.

(Y/N)- Just leave me.... us alone.

Jesse- Wait what do you mean me?

(Y/N)- I said us.

Jesse- You started to say me.

Chaz- You see I've been "stalking" you two ever since and I confronted her about it at the party.

(Y/N)- That's why I wasn't feeling good.

Jesse- That's just sick Chaz. Leave. I really don't want to start anything.

Jesse has his hands in fists.

Chaz- I think you do and I want payback so....

(Y/N)- Chaz, just leave.

Chaz- Ok, for now.

Chaz leaves.

Jesse- Why didn't you tell me?

(Y/N)- I thought that if I told you that he'd do something worse than what he might do today.

Jesse- Well, what's he gonna do?

(Y/N)- That's the scary part. I don't know.

The bell rang and I jumped.

(Y/N)- We have to get to class.

Jesse- Lunch, we are definitely sitting with the pack. I'll tell them what is happening and we'll all be on guard.

(Y/N)- Ok.

We go our separate ways. I was in my first class alone, it went by very slow. Then we both sat together in our next class. I held his hand.
The bell rang and we went to the rest of our classes together. Then it was lunch and I had a horrible feeling.

(Y/N)- Hey, babe. I have a horrible feeling something bad is gonna happen.

Jesse- Everything will be fine you're with the pack and I.

(Y/N)- Ok, your right.

Jesse- Let's hurry.

(Y/N)- Yeah, ok.

We go to walk into the cafeteria but something pulls me back and against the lockers. Chaz had pulled me away from Jesse and threw me onto the lockers. There were two other guys standing there with him.

(Y/N)- Ahh!

Chaz- Does this look familiar to you?

Jesse- Let her go.

Chaz- Let her go.... *mocking*

The guys laugh.

Jesse- What do you want Chaz?

Chaz- Payback.

(Y/N)- You'll never get it. Jesse's way better than you.

Chaz- Shut up. Pin her!

The two guys grab me and push me to the floor.

(Y/N)- Ow!

Jesse- (Y/N)! Chaz, I'm warning you. You do not want to make me angrier than I already am. Let her go.

Chaz- Fine. Let her go.

Guy 1- But...

Chaz- Let her go. Come on.

The guys let me go and Jesse is really mad. He helps me up and we go over to the pack.

Jesse- Are you hurt?

(Y/N)- A bit.

Jay- What happened?

We sit at the table.

Jesse- I swear to god...

(Y/N)- Ow, can I sit down and relax for one second before all of you go all protective mode?

I take a breath.

(Y/N)- One word...

Jesse- Chaz.

We ate in silence, as everyone was mad at Chaz.
The rest of the day I was with Jesse and the guys. Surprisingly Chaz didn't bother us at all. Weird. The end of the day the guys and Jesse walked me out of school. I told them I'd be fine with just Jesse but inside we all knew that a pack stays together. So, that's what we did.

My babysitter's a vampire Jesse 💝Where stories live. Discover now