Knew it

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I got home and I had a voicemail from Lexi. I hit play.

Voicemail Lexi- Hey, call me when you get this.

I picked up the phone and called her. Then Lexi picked up.


Lexi- So, how was the party?!

(Y/N)- Great, you'll never believe what happened.

Lexi- What happened?! Tell me!

(Y/N)- Jesse and I are boyfriend and girlfriend now!

Lexi- I knew it! Eeep!

(Y/N)- Ok ok, you knew it.

Lexi- Well, I'll call you sometime else. I'm tiered. I'm gonna go to sleep. Night.

(Y/N)- Goodnight.



Then I go to bed thinking about everything that had happened.

My babysitter's a vampire Jesse 💝Where stories live. Discover now