Chapter Eight

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"Jesus Christ, where were you? And what the hell happened to your phone?" Mary attacked me as soon as I entered the living room, looking like a mess.

"Relax, Mary. I'm fine. I slept over at a friend's house and before you could assume anything, it wasn't like that. I went to this stupid party and got drunk and passed out." I explained, skipping the part where I almost killed Tyler. I sank on the couch and placed my purse on the coffee table. She gave me concerned look, running her eyes all over my body to see if I was indeed okay.

"Your friends were trying to reach out to you via the landline and I was really scared. If you hadn't showed up in another ten minutes, I would have called your dad." She shook her head in disapproval and disappeared inside the kitchen again.

"Like he would care," I muttered, rolling my eyes and pulled out my phone to text my friends to tell them that I was home safe and sound. I knew they must have a lot of questions from last night but I was too tired to chat with them and decided to deal with all of it on Monday.

"Can I get some coffee, Mary?" I yelled as I still felt a bit hungover.

"I am making a better drink than coffee, dear."

I smiled at her response and started to go though my phone. There was a lot of pictures in my gallery from last night but only one caught my eye. It was me blowing a kiss to Tyler Cummings as he was trying to tuck me in bed.

Fuck! What the hell is wrong with me?

First, I enjoy the kiss then I run him over with my car and end up sleeping in his bed.

And did I really beg him to sleep with me? Ugh! That is so humilating.

I hated the fact that he was right and I hated the fact that he was actually good-looking but worst of all, I hated that I was attracted to his stupid face and the fact that I still couldn't get that kiss out of my head was infuriating. I couldn't figure out why he keeps a low profile and dresses like a dork when he clearly knows how hot he is.

I mean, he must know right?

Sweet Jesus! I would totally be into him if we weren't at each other's throats and just the thought of us being together sent a shiver down my spine.

"Here you go, Chloe."

Mary came over to hand me the drink and I immediately shut my phone before she could see the picture. The drink looked brown in colour and disgusting. I made a face at her.

"No way!"

"You are going to drink all of it. It is a family recepie we use back at our home to cure hangover." She replied firmly and continued to stare at me until I emptied the glass.

"Whatever," I mumbled and drank the entire thing in one big gulp. Thankfully, it didn't taste as bad as it looked like.

"By the way, you are missing one of your earrings, dear." She pointed to my ears and that's when I realised that I was wearing only one of my white gold hoops. I quickly unlocked my phone and noticed that I was wearing both of my earrings in that picture which means I must have missed it at his place.

Great! Now I have to ask him for it.

"Ummm... I must have missed it at my friend's place. I'll get it. Don't worry."

"And you tell me not to assume anything. I hope you are using protection, dear." She teased me, making my face go red in embarrassment.

"Mary! It's not like that. Trust me." I groaned and stood up from the couch, shaking my head, feeling annoyed. If only she knew that I have never gone beyond first base with any guy so far.

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