Chapter Twenty Five

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"So tell me, what is going on? Why are you being distant with me?" I asked as we sat down on one of the benches placed on the outdoors of our school ground. She didn't meet my gaze and looked away as if she was contemplating whether or not to open up to me. This made me even more mad because we used to be so close and I felt offended that she couldn't talk to me.

What did I honestly do to make her feel that way?

"Is it Tyler? Do you like him or something ?" I asked bluntly without beating around the bush and she shook her head immediately. I instantly felt a sense of relief wash over me because if that was the case, things would have been very complicated between us.

"No! God, I would never. It's just that we haven't been talking much, Chloe. I'm not sure if you can see it."

"Of course, I can see it and that's the reason I am making you talk to me now.What did I do to make you feel that way? Did I push you away unknowingly?" I asked, genuinely curious, wondering if somehow the mistake was on my part.

"I don't know. You've been so invested in Tyler that you've failed to see the ones struggling around you. I get it, you are excited to be in a new relationships but it hurts when your best friend is not there when you need her the most." She spoke up finally and all I could do was blink in confusion.

"I'm so sorry, Mandy. I honestly didn't know. What is going on? I'm here now. Talk to me." I asked, holding her hands and she pulled it back immediately as if I burned her with a sma frown on her face.

Okay, she is mad.

Maybe she is right, I have been too caught up with Tyler that I actually ended up ignoring her. Jenny and Cara didn't mind it because they hang out with me only for fun and our friendship doesn't go any deeper than that but with Mandy, it has always been different.

"No, it's fine. It's not serious and I have it l under control now. I'm just over reacting as usual." She mumbled with a small chuckle but I wasn't convinced. I felt bad that she was going through this alone. Whatever it was.

"Mandy, tell me now. I want to know and I want to help you." I remain stubborn and ask her again. She finally lets out a huge sigh and swallows hard before opening her mouth.

"I like someone who doesn't like me back, okay." She whispered, making me raise my eyebrows and I couldn't help but smile in response.

"Damn, girl. Now, that's some news. We can make this work. Who is he? Does he go to our school? I can totally help you with us." I asked her a bunch of questions, enthusiastically.

"No, Chloe. It's hopeless. I am finally trying to get over this silly crush and like I said, I'll be fine." She stated firmly and I shut my mouth as I didn't want to anger her any further.

"Fine. Okay."

I looked down at my fingers and chewed on my bottom lip, thinking about what to do next.

Are we okay now?

Do we go back to fighting?!

"I'm sorry for snapping. It's just been a tough week."

"It's okay, Mandy. I just want us to be normal like before." I pouted with puppy dog eyes and she finally smiled, nodding her head in response.

"Of course, you will always be my best friend. Now, tell me about this Tyler. Is he worth it?"

"Ugh! He is totally worth it and I am definitely in love with him, Mandy. He just makes me so happy and it's so easy to be around him." I replied with a small smile, dancing around my lips.

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