Chapter Thirty Three

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I sat down in my seat while Tim was standing in the front with the groom. The wedding was about to start and I was feeling nervous and worried, thinking about my encounter with Tyler back in the elevator. I noticed Tyler running around here and there and he was busy taking pictures of everyone and everything. I couldn't help but look at him and admire the way he worked. He looked so professional and sexy. He still got that mysterious vibe going on and I was still drawn to him unfortunately.

Do I ignore Tyler and move on with Tim or Do I find my closure?

"Chloe!" I heard Lily's voice and turned around to find her and her mom walking towards me. I smiled at them warmly and they took their seats beside me. I didn't mind it but I wondered how Tim would feel if he sees us sitting together.

"I hope you don't mind us sitting together. I switched seats as soon as I saw you sitting alone."  Lisa explained as she sat down with Lily and I shook my head.

"Not at all, Tim is the best man anyway so I'm stuck alone. You guys look amazing by the way."

"Not as beautiful as you. I love your dress, Chloe." Lily let out a small giggle and I couldn't help but smile at her cuteness and innocence.

"Did you and Tyler meet?" Lisa asked and I could sense the curiosity in her voice. My face went red instantly and I looked behind her where her son was standing and taking pictures of the crowd. As if he sensed me looking at him, his gaze found mine immediately and I sucked in a deep breath. He gave me one of his dashing smiles that made me drool instantly and he winked at me before clicking pictures of me.

Fuck, I'm in a huge trouble.

"Uhh...yeah. We kinda met in the elevator and it didn't go well." I replied and she gave me an apologetic smile. She squeezed my hands and looked straight into my eyes.

"When Tyler loves someone, he loves hard and he doesn't let it go that easily. He still loves you, Chloe. He hasn't dated anyone since our move."

I was shocked to hear this and I tried to ignore the tingles and the butterflies that I was feeling deep down in my stomach. I wasn't supposed to feel this way. I am with Tim, for Christ sake. I looked at Tim to find him already smiling at me and he gave me an assuring nod as if he sensed my nervousness and he was indirectly telling me that he was fine with everything.

God, this guy is so perfect yet why can't I give him my all?!

The wedding started and I tried my best to focus on the ceremony and not the photographer. Once the vows were exchanged and the couple said their I do's, everyone started to cheer and I felt genuinely happy, looking at them. They looked so in love and I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever feel that kind of love again with someone. I couldn't picture myself and Tim, getting married and that's when I realised that I was leading him on.

I was a horrible person and now he must think it's  all because of Tyler but things have been dry between us even before Tyler came into the picture. I did try my best to make it work but the thought of forever with him doesn't settle well with me. The passion is not there between us. It's comfortable and safe with him but that's not enough for me. We should definitely talk after the wedding. Maybe if we communicate better, this could work.

"Missed me?" I felt Tim hugging me from beginning as I was tasting the cake after the ceremony and I turned around to face him.

"Yeah, done with your best man duties?" I smiled as I fed him some cake. I could sense Tyler's gaze on us but I tried my best to ignore him. Whatever happens between me and Tim, I wanted to make sure that it was because of us and not because of Tyler presence.

"Yup, I'm all yours now. Let's dance." He took my hand and led me to the dance floor but I felt uncomfortable to dance with him when we had to talk about us and our future.

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