Chapter Thirty Two

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"Yeah, I am fine. I just ran into few people I know." I fake smiled as I ate my lunch, sitting opposite to Tim in a small cafe nearby the hotel. He finally joined me to do some shopping and sightseeing while my mood was completely ruined by my new found knowledge.

Tyler was going to be there at the wedding. It's been five years and yet I'm getting the same tingling feeling just at the thought of his name.

"People you know from where?"

"My ex-boyfriend's mother and sister, Tim and guess what? Tyler, my ex-boyfriend is going to be at the wedding too. He is Michael's cousin." I finally admitted as I couldn't keep it in anymore. This could either break us or make us stronger.

"What are you getting all worked up? He is just an ex-boyfriend right?" Tim questioned me with genuine concern in his eyes.

"Yes, I mean I feel bad that you have to deal with all this drama. This weekend was supposed to be about us." I replied, hoping he would get how bad I really feel about this situation.

"I don't care about this. I'm just glad you are right next to me. That's all that matters. Fuck, Tyler or whatever his name is," He states with a huge grin and leans forward to kiss me. I kiss him back softly and sigh against his lips. This guy was perfect in every way yet my mind keeps going back to Tyler Cummings.

Maybe this is a good opportunity to get closure with him and finally move forward with Tim.

"Thank you. You are the best." I smiled at him and continued to eat my lunch, feeling less stressed and more confident about moving on from Tyler.

After lunch, we both headed back to our room to get ready for the wedding. Tim was the best man so he had to rush and leave first while I took my own sweet time to get ready. I wore my burgundy fit and flare dress that stopped right above my knees and it had a sweetheart neckline. I pulled my hair up in a loose bun with few tendrils of hair framing my face and once I was satisfied with the way I looked , I decided to leave the room after locking it up.

I took the elevator to reach the event place and thankfully it wasn't crowded now. Suddenly, the elevator doors opened at the third floor and my eyes locked in with a pair of familiar deep brown eyes. The air was knocked out of my lungs and I gripped my purse tighter as I ran my all over his face.

He wasn't the same guy I met in high school. The guy, wearing glasses, oversized hoodies was long gone. The Tyler I am looking at right now was well-built and I could easily make out his muscles in his fitted white shirt. He had grown out his hair and beard. He looked so manly and crazy hot.

Fuck! Why did he have to look even more sexy after all these year?!

I looked away immediately, suddenly feeling hot inside the elevator. He walked in with his eyes still transfixed on me and there was an awkward silence between us. I didn't dare lift my gaze and kept staring at my nude pumps. I could instantly smell his aftershave and his fresh minty cologne.

"Chloe Adams!"


"Wow, look at you."

I scoffed in response after his initial charm wore off and I was back to being my angry self. The elevator doors opened luckily at the exact same time and I took a deep breath before answering his question.

"You have the wrong person. I am not the Chloe you know." I replied before walking out but I felt his grip on my wrist immediately and he pulled me inside the elevator. I couldn't help but gasp at the sudden action as landed against his chest and he shut the elevator doors quickly before punching the button to the roof.

"Are you sure about that, sweetheart?" he asked in a deep tone that made me swallow hard and I pushed myself away from him instantly. I scrunched my face in disgust and straightened my clothes as I felt his eyes roam all over my body shamelessly.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"God, I've missed you. You look even more beautiful than before." He whispered and started to walk towards me, backing me up against the elevator wall. I was finding it hard to breathe at such close proximity and turned my face away from him. I felt anger boiling inside of me and tried to push him away again as I wasn't able to think straight as well but he was too strong.

"Let me go. I have to be at the wedding." I tried to release myself from his firm grip but he paid me no mind. He kept staring at my face with a painful look in his eyes and I stopped breathing when he traced my cheek with his thumb.

"I know. Your boyfriend must be waiting for you." He spoke through gritted teeth and let me go immediately. He pressed the button to the ground floor and stepped away from me, looking beyond pissed and I couldn't help but wonder how he knew about Tim.

Lily must have told him.

"You left me, Tyler. You can't tell me you miss me. You chose to leave me right after ghosting me. Stop acting like it's all my fault." I explained as we both stared at the elevator doors. I was waiting to be free of his presence as he was behaving like an asshole.

So much for getting closure.

"Yeah, it's my fault. You are right." He whispered and I felt his burning gaze on me. I was attempted to turn and look at him but I knew what would happen if I do so. We remained silent until the elevator came to a halt. Neither of us made an attempt to step out and I could sense my blood rushing to my centre when I felt his hot breath on my face and he slowly pushed my hair away from my neck.

"I need to get back to the wedding as well. I am the photographer of the event but this conversation isn't over, Chloe. I don't care if you have a fucking boyfriend. You are mine. You will be mine soon." He stated and walked out, leaving me spellbound.

I was speechless and angry at the same time. All I needed was closure from him but all I got was more confusion.

What the hell did he mean by 'you are mine'? He must be out of his mind if he thought I would come running back into his arms after all these years? He could have called me or came in search of me if he really wanted me but no, he wants me all of a sudden, right after he learns that I am here with my boyfriend?


The hell I am yours, Tyler.

You can go fuck yourself.

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